Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

Cassava cultivation

Thanks to our friend "Pratomo" which has been suggested to us to make the article about the Cassava plant trees; hopefully this article can be useful.
Bondowoso district with its leading products is the tape. Tape is the main raw material cassava (Manihot utilissima Pohl).Based on the topo and elevation City grafi Bondowoso very suitable for planting cassava. If you happen to stop by or stop by the District Bondowoso then do not forget to bring by the tape.

Cover image Cassava Plant Trees
The price of fuel oil (BBM) in the world market continued to rise and the recent rise high enough. For Indonesia, the rise in fuel prices will drain more foreign exchange for most of the national fuel needs met from imports. To curb fuel imports, the government has a program to launch palm utilization of alternative energy sources.
This policy, among others, stipulated in Presidential Regulation. 5 of 2006 on the energy consumption of biofuels over 5% in 2025, and Presidential Instruction 1 of 2006 to the Minister of Agriculture of the acceleration of biofuel raw material supply, better known by the name of Bio Ethanol.Among the several types of fuel, its use as a premium is dominant national transportation fuel. Various studies indicate the use for the material mixture contains 20% premium to oktannya 10% higher than the pure premium and does not affect the performance of vehicle engines. From several sources of bioethanol, cassava is used as a trap potential raw as it can be produced in large quantities in various agroecosystem.
Yams or sweet potatoes or "sweet potato" probably derived from the Americas. Botanical and agricultural experts estimate the origin of the sweet potato crop is New Zealand, Polynesia, and parts of central America. Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, a Soviet botanist, make sure the primary center of origin is the sweet potato crops in Central America. Sweet potatoes started to spread throughout the world, especially countries in the tropical climates of the 16th century.Spaniards spread the sweet potato into the Asia region, especially the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia.
Cassava is a crop of other shrubs as cassava, cassava or kasape. Cassava originated from the Americas, rather than the country of Brazil. Spread almost all over the world, including: Africa, Madagascar, India, China. Cassava growing countries of the famous agricultural region and into Indonesia in the years around 1852.
Classification of cassava plants are as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae or plants
Division: Spermatophyta or seed plants
Sub Division: Angiospermae or seeds enclosed
Class: Dicotyledoneae or two seeds into pieces
Order: Euphorbiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Genus: Manihot
Species: Manihot utilissima Pohl.; Manihot esculenta Crantz sin.
Cassava varieties that fit the criteria for bioethanol feedstock is:
(1) high levels of starch,
(2) high yield potential,
(3) biotic and abiotic resistance,
(4) flexibility in the farming and harvesting age.

Of the 16 varieties of cassava that has been released by the Ministry of Agriculture today, Adira-4, Malang-6, UJ-
3, and UJ-5 has a character that according to these criteria and improved varieties of cassava are commonly grown superior to consumption, among others: Valenca, Mangi, Betawi, Basiorao, Bogor, SPP, Muara, Butter, Andira 1, Ivory, Andira 2, 1 Malang, Malang 2, and 4 Andira
Krakteristik four cassava varieties suitable for bioethanol feedstock
VARIETYAGE (Months)The results (Ton / ha)Starch content (%)Pest and Disease Resistance
Wilt disease resistance
Somewhat resistant red ticks
Disease Resistant Bacteria
Disease Resistant Bacteria
Variety Adira-4 has extended its development in some cassava production centers. In East Java Kediri Adira-4 results ranged from 26-34 t / ha and in Lampung 30-41 tonnes / ha. In addition to yielding and high levels of starch, Adira-4 is also more early maturing, resistant to wilt disease which is an important disease of cassava, and developed according to the cropping pattern. Variety Adira-1 with the main properties of meat taste and color
yellow yam has also grown in peri-urban agricultural areas, both for the consumption of processed directly or after the fermentation process to tape. Malang-6 varieties resistant to pest infestation rather red. And UJ UJ-3-5 is resistant to bacterial leaf blight. Other important properties of the four varieties are: (1) does not quickly fall leaves, (2) air-ground adaptive high and low pH, (3) adaptive under conditions of high population so as to suppress weed growth, and (4) can be developed in cropping patterns.

image: Variety UJ -3; Adira 4; UJ 5 and 6 Malang
At the rate of 15-19 tonnes / ha, cassava is grown on dry land has a comparative advantage ibandingkan
with upland rice or other crops (Wargiono 2001).Production centers in several provinces, cassava productivity ranged from 14.3 to 18.8 tonnes / ha (BPS 2005). With better management, improved varieties are available today capable of producing 30-40 tons / ha. The potential of these results is one factor driving the development of bioethanol made from raw cassava industry.
PenanamanPada centers of the 1960s were widespread planting of sweet potatoes to all provinces in Indonesia. In 1968, Indonesia is a sweet potato-producing countries of the world's number four. Sweet potato production center is in West Java, Central Java, East Java, Irian Jaya, and North Sumatra.
Cassava Plant Types
Germplasm (genetic resources) sweet potato crops grown in the world estimated at more than 1000 species, but only 142 species were identified by the researchers. Research institutions that deal with sweet potatoes, among others: International Potato center (IPC) and the Centro International de la Papa (CIP). In Indonesia, research and development of sweet potato Peneliltian handled by the Centre for Development and Research Institute for Food Crops or Nuts and tubers (Balitkabi), Department of Agriculture.
Varieties or cultivars or clones of sweet potato grown in different regions is quite a lot, among others: lampeneng, sapodilla, cilembu, rambo, SQ-27, ginger, kleneng, papaya, stacks, georgia, kites, paper, power, borobudur , Prambanan, Mendut, and Kalasan.
Varieties are classified as high yielding varieties must meet the following requirements: a) Empowerment of high yield, above 30 tons / hektar.b) Short-lived (early maturing) between 3-4 bulan.c) Taste delicious sweet and manis.d) Resistant to sweet potato weevils (Cylas spp.) and scurvy by the fungus Elsinoe sp.e) high carotene levels above 10 mg/100 gram.f) The state of relatively low-fiber yams. 
In Indonesia, cassava into food staple food after rice and maize. Benefits of cassava leaves as a vegetable has a high enough protein, or for other purposes such as medicinal. The wood can be used as a garden fence or in the villages is often used as firewood for cooking. With the development of technology, basic materials used cassava in the food industry and food industry raw materials. In addition it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry.
Cassava in the world is a commodity trading potential. Countries cassava is the center of Thailand and Suriname. While the main center for cassava in Indonesia in Central Java and East Java.
a) Rainfall suitable for cassava plants between 1500-2500 mm / year.
b) minimum temperature for the growth of cassava kohon about 10 degrees C. When the temperature is below 10 degrees C causes a little stunted plant growth, a stunted because of the growth rate is less than perfect.
c) the optimal humidity for cassava plants between 60-65%.
d) The sunlight is needed for cassava plants about 10 hours / day, especially for the fertility of the leaf and tuber development.
To be able to produce optimal, cassava requires 150-200 mm of rainfall at the age of 1-3 months, the 250-300 mm at age 4-7 months, and 100-150 mm in the phase leading up to and during harvest. Based on the characteristics of the climate in Indonesia and the need for water, cassava can be developed in almost all regions, both in temperate regions throughout the wet and dry climates where water is available in accordance with the requirements of each phase of crop per plant.
Planting Media
a) The land is most suitable for cassava is ground crumb structure, loose, not too tough and not too rich in organic material and the shaft. Soil with crumb structure has a good air system, nutrients are more readily available and easily processed. For the growth of cassava plants better, should be fertile soil rich in organic matter and both macro and micro elements.
b) type of land suitable for crop cassava is the type of alluvial latosol, red-yellow podzolic, Mediterranean, and andosol grumosol.
c) The degree of acidity (pH) of land suitable for cultivation of cassava ranged from 4.5 to 8.0 with 5.8 pH ideal. In general, land in Indonesia had low pH (acid), which ranges from 4.0 to 5.5, so it is often said to be fairly neutral for the proliferation of cassava plants.
5.3. Place an altitude
A good height and the ideal place to plant cassava between 10-700 m asl, whereas tolerance between 10-1500 m asl.Certain kinds of cassava can be planted at certain altitude to be able to grow optimally.
Land types in cassava production centers are generally dominated by the soil alkaline and acid soils. Therefore varieties
superior properties to be developed need to have drought tolerant, tolerant of low pH and high land, tolerant of Al toxicity and the effective use of P bound by Al and Ca. The properties are owned by the varieties of Adira-4, Malang-6, UJ3, and UJ5.
A. Terms Seeds
Good seed for planting cassava must meet the following requirements:
a) Cassava originated from the parent plant is quite old (10-12 months).
b) must Cassava with normal growth and healthy and uniform.
c) The stem is woody and has a diameter of 2.5 cm + straight.
d) Not to grow new shoots.
2. Preparation of Seeds
Preparation of cassava seeds include the following:
a) Seeds of stem cuttings.
b) For stem cuttings select the bottom to the middle.
c) After the cuttings selected then tied, each bond of between 25-30 stem cuttings.
d) All bonds required cuttings, and then transported to the planting site. After soaking in
ABG-leaves with a dose of 2 cc / L for about 30 minutes before planting.
Media Processing Plant 
Activities that need to be done before land preparation are:
a) Measurement of soil pH using litmus paper, pH meter and a liquid pH tester.
b) Analysing the type of soil in the sample or Sempel land to be planted to check the availability of nutrients, organic matter content.
c) Determination of the schedule / time of planting closely related to the time of harvest. This needs to be calculated assuming the same time with tanamanlainnya planting (intercropping), so the well can produce multiple variations of similar plants.
d) The area of ​​capital investment and tailored to the needs of each cassava farmers. Important production volume settings are taken into account as closely related to the estimated price at the time of harvest and market. If at harvest time the price will be dropped because it occurs in the central areas of planting harvest the volume of production is set to a minimum.
Opening and Cleaning Land
Land clearing is essentially a clearing of all kinds of weeds (plant pests) and the roots before planting. Purpose of clearing land to make it easy growing plant roots and remove the host plants for pests and diseases that may exist. Piracy done with farm animals, like buffalo, cow, or even a tractor engine. Cultivation carried out on the sides of which are difficult to reach, the moor land that their area is relatively more narrow by the plow and harrow until the ground equipment is ready for planting.
Formation of Beds

Figure: 1-3 buds for seeds
Beds at a time when land is 70% of the final stages. Beds or pelarikan done to facilitate the planting, in accordance with the desired size. The formation of beds / bolt intended to facilitate the maintenance of plants, wild plants, such as cleaning and healthy plant growth.
To raise the pH of the soil, especially on land that is very sour / gembut soil, liming should be done. Type of lime used was calcite lime / Kaptan (CaCO3). The usual dose used for liming is 1 to 2.5 ton / ha. Calcification is given at the time of hijacking or during the formation of coarse bed together with the provision of manure.
Soil Processing
The main purpose of land treatment are (1) improve soil structure, (2) suppress weed growth, and (3) implementing conservation systems to minimize the chances of soil erosion. Good soil for the cultivation of cassava has a loose structure of the crust or that can survive from the early phases of growth until harvest. These conditions can ensure the circulation of O2 and CO2 in the soil, especially in the topsoil, so the activity of microorganisms and root function optimally in nutrient absorption. This condition can spur the growth of leaves and stems as a source of energy for growth (source) and produces a maximum fotosintat ditranslokasikan to yam (sink).Fotosintat translocation maximally actualized in the form of high yield. On the slopes or sensitive erosion, soil conservation needs to be managed by the system, namely (1) no tillage, (2) minimal processing, and (3) processing system guludan contours perfectly. Minimal processing (in the array or individual) effectively control erosion, but the cassava is often low and relatively high cost of weed control. Processing is based on achieving perfect high yield, cost of land treatment and control of weeds is low, and minimal erosion rate. In this case the land plowed (with tractor 3-7 singkal traditional dishes or animals) two times or one time followed by the manufacture guludan (ridging). For sensitive land erosion, guludan also acts as erosion control, so that made guludan contour.
Preparation of Seeds
High yields can be obtained when the plants grow optimally and uniformly with the full population. These conditions can be achieved when the seeds are used to meet the seven criteria of right (the right variety, quality, quantity, time, price, place, and continuity). Factors inhibiting the provision of seeds to the criteria are: (1) high yielding varieties of cassava to grow because of the high cost of transportation of seeds, (2) low seed multiplication rate so low an incentive for breeders as well, (3) the seedlings grow rapidly decreased when the storage time, and (4) the majority of farmers do not require labeled seeds from breeder seed. Necessary to resolve the issue of seed breeding system in situ, both managed by farmer groups and individual farmers. In traditional breeding, from the stems of seedlings obtained only 10-20 cassava cuttings, so the nursery area at least 20% of the total area to be planted with cassava. The traditional nursery will take up much room and hampered the development of new varieties ungul. One way to overcome these problems is the use of short cuttings with two or three buds. Seeding in this way is called rapid seed multiplication or breeding rapidly. The advantage of short cuttings nurseries is the number of seeds that can be produced from a single stem cassava 100-200 times more than traditional breeding.
Step quickly seeds breeding are: (1) seeding seed, (2) removal of seeds, (3) maintenance, and (4) harvest.
Seeding Seeds
Seeds are sown in the form of cuttings consisting of one, two, and three buds, each will produce cuttings 5-10, 10-20 cuttings, and cuttings 15-30. Media nursery is a plastic tub with a wooden frame with adjustable length and width of the size of the plastic tub is available, while the bath is adjusted for the number of cuttings that will be sown. The tub is filled with a solution of NPK fertilizer equivalent to 6 g urea SP36 + 6 + 6 g g KCl / cuttings, and on the surface of the solution is spread out a newspaper. Cuttings to be placed on a stretch of sowing the paper with a vertical position. In order not to drown in the solution, propped up with bamboo paper or other support. Maintained in a wet paper for 7-14 days for cuttings to avoid drought.
After the age of 10-14 days (Figure 3), seeds removed kelahan nursery that has been processed. At the time of planting, the soil in wet conditions (field capacity). Cuttings with 2-3 buds can also be planted directly (without going through the nursery), but soil moisture should be maintained and not changed the position of cuttings. The recommended planting distance is 75 cm x 80 cm, both for cuttings which have been sown or planted directly.
Maintenance of Seedlings
Maintenance of seedlings includes fertilization, weed control, insect pests and plant diseases. Plants fertilized with urea dose of 150-200 kg + 100 kg + 100 kg KCl SP36 / ha. Fertilizers are given in stages, ie 50% urea, all of SP36 and KCl at 2-week-old lip and 50% urea at 12 weeks.
Harvest Seeds
Seed harvest begins at 7-month-old plants to 12 months, by cutting the stems about 10 cm from the base of the stems, discard stems and the shoots are not woody. Stems of seedlings were collected and bound (10-20 stems / bunch) to be transported to area development. Harvesting is done when the seedlings will be planted or a maximum of one month before the seed is planted. The plants have been harvested (trunk only taken) can be used as plant breeding to-2, by letting two shoots to grow and be maintained as in the nursery to-1. Quality seedlings from nurseries to-2 did not differ with seeding to-1. Originally cuttings, seed diameter, size of cuttings and seed storage time effect on the growth and yield of cassava. Recommended for planting seeds are the cuttings from the stems of the center with a diameter of 2-3 cm, 15-20 cm long, and without storage.
Planting Technique
Determination of Planting Pattern
The pattern of the plant should pay attention to the seasons and rainfall. On dry land / dry, the best planting time is the beginning of the rainy season or after planting rice. Spacing commonly used in monoculture there are several alternatives, ie 100 X 100 cm, 100 X 60 X 40 cm or 100 cm. When cropping with intercropping system with spacing can be 150 or 300 X 100 cm X 150 cm.
Plant population and crop planting distance can utilize nutrients and light solar (sun) to the maximum when the leaf area index reached 3.5 m2 / m2 of land. This figure can be achieved in populations of plants and the distance
the optimal planting. Optimal conditions are different for each level of soil fertility, cropping systems, and the type of plant canopy. Differences in results caused by differences in the spacing of the same plant population indicated the interception of sunlight can be enhanced through the setting of population and plant spacing.
Therefore, the plant population of more than 10,000 stems / ha did not increase the yield of cassava in the fertile soil, good for varieties of type branched or unbranched. This is caused by the presence of competition in getting antartanaman sunlight and nutrients in a population of more than 10,000 plants / ha.
Planting Method
Planting is done by way of sharpening the lower end of cassava cuttings and planted 5-10 cm deep or less than a third of the cuttings buried in the ground. If the land is hard / heavy and juicy / moist, shallow planted cuttings.
Planting cassava cuttings at the time suggested that loose soil conditions and water availability in moist or
topsoil about 80% of field capacity. Land with the condition will be able to ensure the smooth circulation of O2 and CO2 and increase soil microbial activity, so as to spur the growth of leaves to produce the maximum fotosintat ditranslokasikan into the sweet and to the maximum anyway.
Differences in the position of cuttings on the ground and the cuttings are planted in the topsoil can affect the outcome of cassava. Cuttings are planted with a sloping or horizontal position of the roots are not uniformly distributed, such as the cuttings are planted vertically at a depth of 15 cm, and low density. Cassava root growth is also influenced by the surface of the base of the cuttings. If the base is cut flat or spiky cuttings, root growth is more evenly distributed compared with the cut side. To obtain a high yield, long cuttings planted in the soil ranged between 10-15 cm, thus cutting the required length is 20-25 cm.
Cropping patterns
Cassava can be planted in monoculture and intercropping. Monoculture farming are generally developed in a commercial or alternative farming on marginal lands where other commodities are not productive or minimal farm inputs to farmers whose capital is limited. Cultivated by farmers cropping pattern berlahan narrow, both commercial and subsistence.Cropping patterns have advantages and disadvantages. The drawback is: (1) the occurrence of competition taking nutrients and sunlight antartanaman, (2) the outpouring of more labor. Those advantages are: (1) effectively control erosion, (2) improve the efficiency of land use, (3) increase in net income / year and distributed uniformly, (4) improve the efficiency of nutrient use, (5) meet the food requirements according to the nutritional adequacy rate (AKG), and (6) improve the physical and chemical soil (Tonglum 2001, Wargiono 2004).
Erosion on sensitive land use pattern recommended cassava intercropped with upland rice and various beans. Distance
plant to plant between the effective control of erosion and high productivity is 40 cm between rows and 10-15 cm in the row
In addition to effectively control erosion, cropping patterns can also improve soil physical and chemical waste if harvested crop land is returned to the sidelines. On land that is not sensitive to erosion, cassava can ditumpangsarikan with corn.
Cropping pattern is capable of producing 25 tonnes of fresh cassava / ha when optimal plant populations and their management. Population
optimal pattern of cassava in intercropping was 10,000 plants / ha. Optimal management includes the control of plant pests (OPT) and fertilizing according to the needs of the cassava plant and between plants.
Financial feasibility analysis showed monoculture and cassava intercropping patterns were not significantly different. Thus both the cropping pattern can be developed in a program of action provision of industrial raw materials are sourced bioethanol from cassava. Survey data in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam showed that the viability of farming cassava monoculture and intercropping pattern depends also on the price of potatoes at farm level. If the price of fresh cassava is less than 30 U.S. dollars per ton, B / C ratio ranged from 0.21 to 0.57, and B / C ratio would be 0.71 to 1.30 when the price of potatoes at farm level 30 dollars per ton , and B / C ratio increased to 0.85 to 2.50 if the price of 35 dollars per ton of sweet potatoes. The analysis highlights the productivity of cassava production technologies with 15-25 tonnes / ha feasible to be developed if the price of fresh cassava at farm level Rp 320/kg (Howeler 2001).
Maintenance of Plant 
Weeding aim to remove all types of grass / weeds / pests (weeds) that live around the plant. In one planting season minimum booking of 2 (two) times the weeding.
Menggemburkan pembubunan way done with the land around the plant and after it was made like guludan. Pembubunan time to time by weeding time, this can save costs. If the soil around the plant Cassava eroded by rain or exposed to water spray so it needs to be done pembubunan / on the cover with soil so that roots are not visible.
Perempalan / Trimming
On Cassava crop needs to be done trimming / removal of shoots for each tree must have a minimum of 2 or 3 branches branches. This is so the tree can be used for breeding again in the next planting season.
Fertilization is done with a system of balanced fertilization of N, P, K with a dose of Urea = 133-200 kg; TSP = 60-100 kg and KCl = 120-200 kg. Fertilizer at planting time is given at a dose of N: P: K = 1/3: 1: 1/3 (base fertilization) and at 2-3 months old plants with the remaining dose of N: P: K = 2/3: 0: 2/3.
With ABG-leaves with a dose of 4 cc / L was sprayed every 20-30 days with the provision of chemical fertilizers is reduced 20-30% of usual dose.
After the age of 5 months for charging tubers sprayed with ABG-Flowers and Fruit with a dose of 4 cc / L is sprayed or splashed once every 20-30 days until ready for harvest.
To prevent the disease on cassava crops should be done every month prevention by:
ABG-BIO by dissolving (1-2) wrap-BIO ABG + 1 + 2 kg kg bran-Bios ABG + (5-10) closed ABG-B, in (50-100) liters of water, stir evenly, and let about (2-4) hours. Then pour as much as (25-50) cc / plant at the roots of plants at intervals of 1 month
Irrigation and Watering
Cassava field conditions from the initial planting until the age of 4-5 months + should always be moist, not too muddy.On dry land and irrigation watering needs to be done from the nearest water source. Irrigation during the dry season by way of direct watering but the way it can damage the soil. A good system is the system used a pool so that water can get to the root zone to recharge. Watering with a pool system can be done every two weeks and so on are given based on need.
Weed Control
Cassava growth is slow during the first three months of the soil between the plants are not covered by
perfectly by the canopy. This leads to high light intensity between the plants, thus spurring the growth of weeds. In these conditions the cassava plant can not compete with weeds, so that growth is inhibited and the result can be decreased to 75%. Manual weed control 35% cheaper than chemical means, and has several advantages, namely (1) improve soil structure, (2) not selective for the species / groups of weed species, (3) does not pollute the environment, and (4) can be done by family labor. At the 4th month of cassava canopy started to close the ground, so that weed growth begins to compress due to the small penetration of sunlight in the cassava plant. Because of its the weed or weed-free conditions in the months-4 is not required). Weed-free conditions required only during the first three months (initial phase of growth) da harvest. Weed-free conditions at the time of harvest can lower the difficulty level of harvest, so that yield loss can be prevented. Weed-free condition on the phase of the soil can also simplify processing and reduce the weed population in the next planting season. In commercial farming, most farmers to control weeds chemically 2-3 weeks before harvest.
Pesticide Spraying time
The type and dosage of pesticide tailored to the type of illness. Pesticide spraying is best done in the morning after the dew is missing or in the afternoon. Pesticide dose adjusted to pests and diseases, read with good use of dose on the label brand of drug used. When pests and diseases attacking fiercely the pesticide doses would be better but its use must be careful because beneficial insects can be disrupted.
Based on the age of harvested crops, cassava varieties can be classified into three, namely the age of early maturing, medium, and in
each of which is harvested at the optimal phase of the starch content, starting at age 7 months, 8 months and 9 months (Hozyo 1984, Tonglum 2001).
Cassava starch content did not decrease even though the harvest was delayed several months after the phase of optimal levels of starch, even the potato starch increased as the weight tends to increase with increasing plant age. This is a plus for farming cassava in the context of the development of bio-ethanol industry because the crop can be tailored to the needs of industry.
Pests and Diseases
Pest and Disease Control
Bacterial wilt and leaf blight is a major disease of cassava. Variety Adira-4, Malang-6, UJ-3, and UJ-5 is resistant to both diseases. Cassava is a major pest of red mites (Tetranychus bimaculatus). Crop damage by pests is often optional in a narrow area, so the losses are relatively low. Thus the control of pests and diseases has not been necessary in the development of improved varieties of cassava that use them.

Cassava pests
Sweet Potato Stem Borer
Stadium pests that destroy crops sweet potato is a larva (caterpillar).
Character is making a small hole lengthwise (match) on the stem down to the tubers. In the hole can be found larva (caterpillar).
Symptoms: swelling of the stem, some brittle stems, the leaves wither, and eventually the branches of the plant will die.
Control: (1) crop rotation to break pest cycles or cycles, (2) the observation of plants in the young age of the symptomatic stage of pest: pest when> 5%, is necessary to control chemically, (3) cutting and destruction of the plant attacked by weight, (4) spraying insecticides and sangkil mangkus, such Curacron Matador 500 EC or 25 with the recommended concentration.
Sweet potato weevils Boleng pests or
Adult insect pests (Cylas formicarius Fabr.) In the form of a small beetle wings and blue muzzle, but toraknya red. Adult female beetles living on the leaf surface, placing the eggs in a protected (shaded). The eggs hatch into larvae (caterpillars), then the caterpillar will make gerekan (small holes) on the stems or tubers contained in the open ground.
Symptoms: small holes are used gerekan covered by dirt and foul-smelling green. This pest usually attacks the sweet potato crop is already berubi. When carried away by the sweet potato pests into the storehouse, often damaging the tubers to reduce the quantity and quality of production significantly.
Control: (1) rotation or crop rotation with plants that are not sefamili with sweet potatoes, such as rice-rice-sweet potato, (2) pembumbunan or hoarding guludan to close an open yam, (3) retrieval and destruction of the yam pests severe enough, (4) observation / monitoring of crop pests in sweet potato on a periodic basis: if found attack rates> 5%, immediate chemical pest control measures, (5) spraying insecticides and sangkil mangkus, such as Decis 2.5 EC or Monitor 200 LC with the recommended concentration (6) the type of sweet potato planting a thick skin and lots of gummy, (7) harvesting is not too late to reduce the level of damage is more severe.
Rat (Rattus rattus sp)
Rat pest usually attacks the sweet potato crop was old enough or have been on the stage of forming tubers. This pest attacks the sweet by sweet grind and eat meat to be broken irregularly. Rat bites cause infection in sweet and sometimes accompanied by symptoms of sweet decay. Control: (1) gerepyokan system to capture and instantly killed mice, (2) weeding done my best to not a lot of sweet potatoes around the rat's nest, (3) installation of poisoned bait, such as Ramortal or Klerat.
Uret (Xylenthropus)
Characteristics: located in the root of the plant.
Symptoms: plant who died at a young age, because the stem roots and tubers destroyed.
Control: clean the remnants of organic matter at planting time or mix and Sevin at the time of land preparation.
Red mites (Tetranychus bimaculatus)
Characteristics: attack on the lower surface of leaves by sucking the liquid leaves.
Symptoms: The leaves will become dry.
Control: planting tolerant varieties and spraying water.

Picture: Lack of K (potassium) and attacked by bacteria
Scabies or Scab
Cause: The fungus Elsinoe batatas.
Symptoms: a lump on the shaft sereta leaf veins, and wrinkled leaves like crackers. The level of attacks that cause severe leaf photosynthesis is not productive in doing so the potatoes do not yield to decline even at all.
Control: (1) rotation / crop rotation to break the life cycle of disease, (2) planting resistant varieties of sweet potato scab disease, such as power and papaw, (3) culture of intensive cultivation techniques, (4) the use of plant material (seeds) healthy.
Fusarium wilt
Cause: The fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. batatas.
Symptoms: The plants look limp, vein yellowing leaves, wilting, and eventually die. Fusarium fungus can survive for several years in the soil. Disease transmission can occur through the soil, air, water, and carried by the seed. Control:(1) the use of healthy seedlings (disease free), (2) rotation / crop rotation to match in an area with plants that are not family, (3 ) planting species or varieties of sweet potatoes that are resistant to Fusarium diseases.
Bacterial leaf spot
Cause: Xanthomonas Cassava Bacterial Blight manihotis or / CBG.
Symptoms: angular spots on leaves and then move and result in dry leaves and eventually die. Control: planting resistant varieties, cut or destroy diseased plant parts, crop rotation and sanitation to the garden
Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum EF Smith)
Characteristics: life in the leaves, roots and stems.
Symptoms: The leaves suddenly wilted like a scalded. Root, stem and root rot immediately. Control: to crop rotation, planting resistant varieties such as Adira 1, 2 and Muara Adira, make revocation and destruction of diseased plant weight.
Brown leaf spot (Cercospora heningsii)
Cause: The fungi that live inside the leaves. Symptoms: The leaves of brown spots, dry, small round holes and dead leaf tissue. Control: do widening spacing, planting resistant varieties, pruning
Some types of virus are found attacking yam plants is Internal Cork, Chlorotic Leaf Spot, Yellow Dwarf.
Symptoms: stem and leaf growth is not normal, the size of a small plant with leaves clustered layout at the top, and chlorotic leaf color or yellowish green. At the rate of severe attacks, the sweet potato crop is produced.
Control: (1) the use of healthy seeds and virus-free, (2) rotation / rotation crop for several years, especially in the base area (endemic) virus, (3) demolition / eradication of crops to be destroyed.
Other disease-lainPenyakit other diseases are, for example, leaf spot fungus Cercospora batatas cercospora by Zimmermann, wet rot the roots and tubers by the fungus Rhizopus nigricans Ehrenberg, and chlorosis of leaves by the fungus Albugo ipomeae pandurata Schweinitz.
Control: performed in an integrated manner, including the cultivation of improved culture techniques, use of healthy seed, sorting and selection of potatoes in storage, and use of selective pesticides.
The main criteria is the age of harvested cassava starch content optimal, ie at 7-9 months old plants. Weight of tubers increased with increasing age of the plant, whereas starch content tends to be stable at the age of 7-9 months (Figure 9).This suggests that the age of the cassava crop flexible, plants can be harvested at age 7 months or delayed until the age of 12 months. Flexibility harvest age is providing opportunities for sustainable supply of cassava for bioethanol feedstock.
Delay harvest age can only be carried out in temperate regions are not suitable in wet and dry climate regions because
plant growth in April-May planting will be hampered and the result is lower in case of drought or rainfall <25 mm/10 days during the first three months (Wargiono 2001). To avoid drought, most farmers planted simultaneously at the beginning of the rainy season and harvest simultaneously, so that 80% of cassava production is concentrated in the dry season (BPS 2004). These conditions are not suitable for the development of bio-ethanol industry because of the uneven distribution of the monthly production according to the needs of industry bahanbaku. Pewilayahan anticipatory measures is the time of planting at the beginning of the rainy season until the 4th month during the rainy season and harvest varies between 7-12 months of age. The results of different harvest cassava at the age of the plants grown at the beginning of the rainy season is not until 6 months of drought and high yield.
Delay harvest age can increase the yield of starch did not occur during climate anomalies and disturbance of organisms
bullies. Although the age of the cassava crop is flexible, but the decrease in starch content due to climatic anomalies and disease pests of plants can occur when a relatively long delay harvest. One way to overcome this problem is growing multivarietas (age early maturing varieties, medium and deep) on a periodic basis in an area of ​​development, so the harvest can also be done periodically. Age of early maturing varieties, for example, harvested at the age of 7-9 months, the old varieties are at the age of 8-11 months, and old varieties in the age of 10-12 months. In this way the zoning can be designed based on the development of cassava planting time and harvest age, according to the needs of bio-ethanol industry in the local area, such as the development of the cassava crop to the age of 7 months, 8 months, 9 months, 10 months, 11 months, and 12 months . Area of ​​each region based on the development of harvest age criterion is equivalent to the daily needs of cassava for bioethanol industry. In some areas, cassava ditumpangsarikan with other food crops.The results of Adira-4 varieties of ditumpangsarikan with peanuts and corn reaching 31.0 tons / ha in Bogor and 39.2 tonnes / ha in Lampung. With the availability of starch-yield varieties and high yielding and able to adapt in cropping patterns can be developed with the cassava monoculture and intercropping, both subsistence and commercial. In commercial farming, cassava should produce 20-25 t / ha to be profitable, with the B / C ratios over 1.0. This figure can be achieved if the price of potatoes at the farm level Rp250-300/kg, good for cassava are grown in monoculture and intercropping.
How to Harvest
The procedure for harvesting sweet potatoes through the following steps:
Determine the planting of sweet potatoes that are ready for harvest.
Cut (cut) sweet potato sticks with a machete or sickle, then removed the bars mapped out as collected.
Guludan with a hoe to dig sweet-ubinya unfold.
Take and collect sweet potatoes somewhere collecting.
Clean the potatoes from the soil or dirt and the roots are still attached.
Perform selection and sorting potatoes based on small and large sizes separately yams and sweet potatoes of uniform color. Separate piece of sweet potato injured or attacked by pests or diseases.
Put it in the container or burlap bag, and haul to the shelter (collection) results.
Forecasts that the growth of sweet potato ProduksiTanaman good and did not get the means of pest attack (by weight) can produce more than 25 tons of potatoes per hectare wet. Such varieties can produce 25 tons of Borobudur, Prambanan 28 tons, and Kalasan between 31.2 to 47.5 tonnes per hectare.
PengumpulanHasil harvest gathered in a strategic location, safe and easily accessible by transit.
Sorting and classification
The selection or sorting of sweet potato can actually be done when the revocation takes place. However, sorting sweet potatoes can be done after all the trees removed and stored in a place. Sorting performed to select the colored bulbs clean look of the fresh tuber skin and the disabled, especially seen from the size of tubers and black spots / lines on the tuber flesh.
Post-harvest handling of sweet potatoes are usually intended to maintain the shelf life. Sweet potato storage is best done in the sand or ash. Procedures for storage of sweet potatoes in the sand or ash are as follows: a) Wind-wind freshly harvested tubers in a dry place for 2-3 storey hari.b) Prepare a storage room or warehouse in the form of a dry, cool, and circulation air baik.c) Stack potatoes on the warehouse floor, then piled with dry sand or ash as thick as 20-30 cm until all potato closed surface.
This storage method can maintain the shelf life of sweet potato to 5 months. Sweet potatoes are a good experience with the storage process will usually produce a sense of yams are sweet and tasty when compared with freshly harvested tubers.
The important thing done in the storage sweet potato sweet potatoes are a selection of good, nothing broken or injured, and a place (space) low-temperature storage between 27-30 degrees C (room temperature) with humidity between 85-90%.