Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Benefits of Compost

Benefits of Compost Compost is like a multi-vitamin for farmland. Compost will improve soil fertility and stimulates healthy root Compost improves soil structure by increasing soil organic matter content and will enhance the ability soil to maintain soil water content. Beneficial soil microbial activity for the plant will increase with the addition of compost. Microbial activity helps plants to absorb nutrients from the soil and produce compounds that can stimulate plant growth. Soil microbial activity are also known to help plants face the disease. Plants are fertilized with compost also tend to be better quality than plants fertilized with chemical fertilizers, eg more resistant crops are stored, heavier, fresher, and better. Compost has many benefits in terms of several aspects: Economic aspects: 1. Save costs for transport and landfill 2. Reducing the volume / size of waste 3. Has a higher sale value than the original material Environmental Aspects: 1. Reducing air pollution from burning waste 2. Reduce land requirements for landfill Aspects of soil / plant: 1. Improving soil fertility 2. Improving soil structure and characteristics 3. Increasing the capacity of the soil water jerap 4. Enhance soil microbial activity 5. Improving the quality of the crop (taste, nutritional value, and number of harvests) 6. Provide hormones and vitamins for plants 7. Suppress the growth / disease attacks plants 8. Increasing retention / nutrient availability in soil
The materials can be composted Basically all the solid organic materials can be composted, for example: household organic waste, organic waste markets / cities, paper, sewage / waste livestock, wastes pertaniah, agro-industry wastes, waste paper mills, sugar mill waste, waste palm oil mills, etc.. Organic materials that are difficult to composted include: bone, horn, and hair.

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