Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Tree Farming Cassava (Manihot utilissima Pohl)

Cassava is a food plant by another name in the form of shrubs cassava, cassava or kasape. Cassava originated from the Americas, rather than the country of Brazil. Spread almost all over the world, including: Africa, Madagascar, India, China. Cassava growing in the countries of the famous agricultural region and into Indonesia in 1852.
Classification of cassava plants are as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae or vegetationDivision: Spermatophyta or seed plantsSub Division: Angiospermae or seed in a closedClass: Dicotyledoneae or two seed piecesOrder: EuphorbialesFamily: EuphorbiaceaeGenus: ManihotSpecies: Manihot utilissima Pohl.; Manihot esculenta Crantz sin.Varieties of cassava are usually planted superior, among others: Valenca, Mangi, Betawi, Basiorao, Bogor, SPP, Muara, Butter, Andira 1, Ivory, Andira 2, Malaysia 1, Malaysia 2, and Andira 4
In Indonesia, cassava into food staple food after rice and maize.Benefits of cassava leaves as a vegetable material having a high enough protein, or for other purposes such as medicinal. The wood can be used as a garden fence or in the villages is often used as firewood for cooking. With developments in technology, cassava used as basic material in the food industry and feed industry raw materials. In addition it is also used in industrial medicine.4. INVESTMENT CENTER
In the world cassava trade is a potential commodity. Countries centers of cassava are Thailand and Suriname. While the main center for cassava in Indonesia in Central Java and East Java.
5. TERMS petumbuhan
5.1. Climate
a) Rainfall suitable for cassava plants between 1500-2500 mm / year.
b) minimum air temperature for the growth of cassava kohon about 10 degrees C. When the temperature is below 10 degrees C causes a bit stunted plant growth, become stunted due to the growth rate is less than perfect.
c) The optimal humidity for the plant cassava between 60-65%.
d) The sunlight is needed for cassava plants about 10 hours / day, especially for fertility, leaf and tuber development.
5.2. Media Plant
a) The land is most suitable for cassava is a soil crumb structure, loose, not too tough and not too rich in organic material and the shaft. Soil crusts have a governance structure with good air, nutrients more readily available and easily processed. For the cassava plant growth better, the soil must be fertile and rich in organic material both macro and micro elements.
b) type of land suitable for growing cassava is the kind of alluvial latosol, red-yellow podzolic, Mediterranean, and andosol grumosol.
c) The degree of acidity (pH) of land suitable for cultivation of cassava ranged from 4.5 to 8.0 with a pH of 5.8 is ideal. In general, land in Indonesia had a low pH (acid), which ranges from 4.0 to 5.5, so it is often said to be fairly neutral for the proliferation of cassava plants.
5.3. Altitude PlaceThe height is good and ideal place to plant cassava between 10-700 m above sea level, whereas tolerance between 10-1500 m altitude. Certain types of cassava can be planted at a certain altitude to be able to grow optimally.
6.1. Nurseries
1. Seed RequirementsGood seed for planting cassava must meet the following requirements:
a) Cassava originated from the parent plant is quite old (10-12 months).
b) Cassava should be with normal growth and healthy and uniform.
c) have woody trunk and a diameter of 2.5 cm + straight.
d) Not to grow new shoots.
2. Preparation of SeedsPreparation of cassava seedlings include the following:
a) Seeds of stem cuttings.
b) As the stem cuttings select the bottom until the middle.
c) After the cuttings elected then tied, each of the bond amount to between 25-30 stem cuttings.
d) All bonds required cuttings, then transported to the planting location.
6.2. Media Processing Plant
1.PersiapanActivities that need to be done before the processing of land are:
a) Measurement of soil pH using litmus paper, pH meters and liquid pH tester.
b) Analysing the types of soil in the sample or sempel land to be planted to check the availability of nutrients, organic matter content.
c) Determination of the schedule / time of planting closely related to the time of harvest. This needs to be calculated with the assumption of time along with tanamanlainnya planting (intercropping), so it can simultaneously produce multiple variations of similar plants.
d) The area of ​​capital investment and tailored to the needs of every farmer cassava. Setting an important production volume was also calculated because it is closely related to the estimated price at harvest and market. If at the time of harvest price will be dropped because in the central areas of planting occurs harvest the volume of production is set to a minimum.
2. Opening and Cleaning Land
Land clearing is essentially a clearing of all manner of weeds (plant pests) and the roots before planting. The purpose of land clearance for easy growing plant roots and eliminate host plants for pests and diseases that may exist. Piracy is done by animals, like buffalo, cow, or even with a tractor engine. Hoeing done on the sides that are difficult to reach, on dry land that their area is relatively more narrow by the plow and harrow the tool until the soil ready for planting.
3. Establishment of beds
Beds are made when the land is 70% of the stages of completion.Beds or pelarikan done to facilitate the planting, according to the size desired. Formation beds / bolt is intended to facilitate the maintenance of plants, such as clearing weeds and healthy plant growth.
4. Liming
To raise the pH of the soil, especially on lands that are very sour / gembut soil, liming should be done. Type of lime used was calcite lime / Kaptan (CaCO3). A typical dose used for liming is 1 to 2.5 tons / ha. Liming is given at the time of hijacking or during rough seedbed formation along with the provision of manure.
6.3. Planting techniques
1. Determination of Planting Pattern
Crop pattern should pay attention to the seasons and rainfall. On dry land / dry, the best planting time is the beginning of the rainy season or after planting rice. Spacing commonly used in monoculture there are several alternatives, ie 100 x 100 cm, 100 cm or 100 X 60 X 40 cm. When the cropping pattern with intercropping system with a spacing can be 150 X 100 cm or 300 X 150 cm.
2. Planting Method
How to sharpen the planting is done with the lower end of cassava cuttings and planted as deep as 5-10 cm, or roughly a third of the cuttings buried in the ground. If the land is hard / heavy and juicy / moist, shallow cuttings planted alone.
6.4. Plant Maintenance
1. WeedingWeeding aims to remove all types of grass / weeds / pests (weeds) that live around the plant. In one planting season to do at least 2 (two) times the weeding.
2. PembubunanMenggemburkan pembubunan way done with the soil around the plant and after it was made like guludan. Time can pembubunan along with weeding time, this can save costs. If the soil around the plant Cassava eroded due to rain or wet spray so it needs to be done pembubunan / on the cover with soil so that roots are not visible.
3. Perempalan / TrimmingIn Cassava plant needs to be done trimming / removal of shoots for each tree must have a minimum of branches 2 or 3 branches. This is so the tree can be used for breeding again in the upcoming planting season.
4. FertilizationFertilization is done with a system of balanced fertilization between N, P, K with a dose of Urea = 133-200 kg, TSP = KCl = 60-100 kg and 120-200 kg. Fertilizer was given at planting time with a dose of N: P: K = 1 / 3: 1: 1 / 3 (basic fertilization) and at 2-3 months old plants of the remaining dose of N: P: K = 2 / 3: 0: 2 / 3.
5. Irrigation and Watering
Cassava land condition from the beginning of planting until the age of 4-5 months + should always be moist, not too muddy. In dry soil need watering and irrigation from the nearest water source.Irrigation during the dry season by going straight flush, but this can damage the soil. A good system used was a pool system so that water can get to the root zone to recharge. Irrigation system with two weeks of inundation can be done once and for all awarded based on need.
6. Pesticide Spraying Time
Types and doses adjusted to the type of pesticide illness.Pesticide spraying is best done on the morning after the dew is lost or in the afternoon. Pesticide doses adjusted to pests and diseases, read with good use of dose on the label the brand of drug used. If pests and diseases attacking fiercely the dose of pesticide should be more but its use must be careful because the beneficial insects to die, too.
7. Pests and diseases
7.1. Pest
1. Uret (Xylenthropus)
Characteristics: in the roots of plants.
Symptoms: plants die at a young age who, because of damaged roots stems and tubers.Control: clean the remnants of organic matter at planting time and or mix the Sevin at the time of land preparation.
2. Red mite (Tetranychus bimaculatus)
Characteristics: attack on the lower surface of leaves by sucking the fluid leaves.
Symptoms: The leaves will become dry.
Control: plant varieties tolerant and spraying water.
7.2. Disease
1. Bacterial leaf spot
Cause: Xanthomonas manihotis or Cassava Bacterial Blight / CBG.
Symptoms: angular blotches on leaves and then move and resulted in dried leaves and eventually die.
Control: plant varieties that are resistant, cut or destroy diseased plant parts, do crop rotation and sanitation garden
2. Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum EF Smith)
Characteristics: live in the leaves, roots and stems.
Symptoms: The leaves suddenly wilted like a scalded. Roots, stem and root rot immediately.
Control: to crop rotation, planting resistant varieties such as Adira 1, 2 and Estuary Adira, make the removal and destruction of crops are severely ill.
3. Brown leaf spot (Cercospora heningsii)
Cause: jcendawan who live inside the leaves.
Symptoms: leaf patches of brown, dry, small round holes and dead leaf tissue.
Control: do the widening spacing, planting resistant varieties, pruning the leaves of the sick and doing the garden sanitation.
4. Concentric leaf spot (Phoma phyllostica)
Cause: The fungus that lives on leaves.
Symptoms: The presence of small spots and dots, especially on young leaves.
Control: widen the spacing, entered the garden and cut the sanitation plant.
7.3. Weeds
System weeding / cleaning thoroughly and weeds burned / buried in as did most farmers Cassava can suppress weed growth.However, weeds still grow in the ditches / drains and the planting hole.
Weed of the puzzles special groups (Cyperus sp.) Can be eradicate by hand with the weeding is done 2-3 times permusim planting. Weeding is done until the roots of plants uprooted.Chemically by spraying of herbicides such as 2,4-D amine groups and sulfonyl urea. Spraying should be done with caution.While the other is a grass weed species commonly found in the planting hole or in the gutter / ditch. Grass weed species often encountered are the type of grass callus (Eleusine indica), Tuton (Echinochloa colona), grintingan grass (Cynodon dactilon), bitter grass (Paspalum distichum), and the digger sunduk grass (Digitaria ciliaris). Eradication of weeds from the grass type that is done by hand weeding and spraying of narrow-spectrum herbicides such as Rumpas 120 EW with a concentration from 1.0 to 1.5 ml / liter.
8. P A N E N
8.1. Characteristics and Harvest
Cassava can be harvested at lower leaf growth begins to decline.The color of the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off much. Age cassava crop harvest has been achieved for 6-8 months and 9-12 months genjah varieties for varieties in.
8.2. How to Harvest
Cassava is harvested by pulling the stems and tubers left was taken with a hoe or fork the soil.
9.1. Collection
Yields are collected in a strategic location, safe and easily accessible by transit.
9.2. Sorting and Classification
The selection or sorting cassava tubers can actually be done at the time the revocation takes place. However, sorting of cassava tubers can be done after all the trees removed and collected in one place. Sorting done to choose a colored bulbs from the skin looks clean, fresh tubers as well as the disabled, especially seen from the size of tubers and black spots / stripes on the tuber flesh.
9.3. Storage storage method cassava tuber crops conducted in the following way:
1. Make a hole in the ground for storage of fresh cassava tubers are. Hole size adjusted by the number of tubers to be stored.
2. Cover the bottom with straw or leaves, for example with jackfruit leaves or leaves of cassava itself.
3. Enter the cassava tubers are structured and organized in layers and each layer covered with fresh leaves or straw above.
4. Hide last hole containing cassava tubers until the hole closed convex surfaces, and storage system like this is quite durable and make the bulbs stay fresh as the original.
9.4. Packaging and Transport
Cassava tubers packaging aims to protect bulbs from damage during transport. For inter-city market / domestic packaged and put in burlap sacks or baskets made of bamboo to keep them fresh.Especially for marketing inter-island or exported, typically cassava tuber is packaged in the form of dried cassava or tapioca flour used. Packaging can then be stored in a cardboard or plastics in perbagai size, as requested by the manufacturer.
Once packed cassava tuber in fresh form or in the form of dried cassava or tapioca transported by means of both traditional and modern transportation to the consumer, both domestic and abroad.
Prospects cassava agribusiness opportunitiesMarket in Indonesia, Cassava production averaged 8.24 tons / ha (data years 1969-1978). Year 1983-1991 for an average of 11.43 tons / ha.
Increased production of cassava tubers period 1988-1992 is due to the increase in the average yield per hectare. However, the average productivity of cassava farm level, farmers (3 tons / ha) is still lower than the potential outcome (6-10 tonnes / ha). The harvested area of ​​cassava commodity that tends to decline during this period did not affect the total production. Meanwhile, about 58% of the total area harvested per year is still scattered on the island of Java.
In terms of exports, during the period 1990-1994 exports of cassava Indonesia experienced a significant increase. When in 1990, exports of cassava is as much as 100 tons, then in 1994 that number had to be 500 tons. Demand in the form of tapioca cassava and cassava in the years to come is expected to continue to rise. This is a great opportunity for Indonesia to agribusiness cassava.
Tapioca is packed with new types of ATWILL burlap / calico is good, clean, sufficient to meet export requirements, mouth sewn with great force. Contents at most for calico bags 50 kg net, or burlap maximum of 100 kg / net. Written on the outer packaging with materials that do not easily fade, clearly legible, among others:
1. Production of Indonesia.
2. Name of the goods or types of goods.
3. Company name or ekspiotir.
4. Net weight.
5. Gross weight.
6. Country / destination.
1. Agency for Agribusiness Ministry of Agriculture. 1999.Agribusiness Investment Commodities Food Crops and Horticulture. Canisius. Yogyakarta.
2. Danarti and Sri Najiyati. 1998. Crops, Cultivation and Farming Analysis. Self-Help Publishers, Jakarta.
3. Rahmat Rukmana, H. Ir. 1997. Cassava, Cultivation and Post Harvest. Publisher Canisius (Member IKAPI), Yogyakarta.
Sources: Information Systems Management in Rural Development, BAPPENAS
Warintek Bantul

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