Senin, 04 Juli 2011


CHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONA. Background IssuesIndonesia is an archipelagic country with an area of ​​1,922,570 km ². According to the central statistics agency (, the population of Indonesia in 2010 reached 234.2 million inhabitants. From the umpteenth many residents, is attached and has even become a culture of cultures eat rice. Suggestion is an extreme impact on social life is the conviction if you have not eaten rice is considered to have not eaten ( According to The Center for Food Safety Agency Consumption and Food Security Mulyono Machmur, in the era of the 1950-1960's, the dependence of Indonesia on community food rice or rice by 53 percent, but now it's increasingly high dependence up to 92-95 percent ( the culture that led to the need of rice in Indonesia to be very high. Based on available data, the level of rice or rice consumption per capita of Indonesia reaches 139 kg per year, while the average world per capita consumption of rice per year, only 60 Kg ( This requires Indonesia to produce rice in a large enough scale. Therefore the productivity of rice cultivation should be optimized. According rice production target of 2010 reached 64.9 million tons, but the number of national rice production forecast (ARAM 1) states that the increase in national rice production only amounted to 0.88%.Though the target is 3.22% national increase.One of the reasons of not achieving the national target in rice productivity will Indoniesia is the factor of climate change that occurred in recent years. Climate change brings a very detrimental effect on rural areas, particularly in agriculture. The rate of climate change is happening today is very fast, and free from governmental panel on climate prediction, Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Global flows of carbon emissions from industrial activities such as Jakarta, Semarang and Yogyakarta is the biggest cause of global warming and ensure that food production would be threatened. 1.5 ยบ C rise in temperature causes the decrease in the quality of crops leading to food insecurity, destruction of political economy. Who are victims of the consequences of this are the developing countries like Indonesia.One of the perceived impact of climate change are farmers in rural areas can no longer determine the right time for planting rice. As a result, most of the rice crop failures, the climate is unpredictable anymore, can all of a sudden torrential rains of up to potential flooding or prolonged drought.In increasing rice productivity, pollination should be considered, because of this process that the rice begins to form. However, climate change is the bottleneck of the process of pollination, so the pollination becomes less than the maximum. This is because the impact of climate change, one of which is wind direction and speed that is no longer stable.Moving on from the phenomenon exposed above us as the researchers wanted to examine more deeply about climate change mitigation strategies that affect the optimality of pollination of rice.
B. Problem formulation1. How does the impact of climate uncertainty on rice pollination process?2. How gepyok system in maximizing the process of pollination in the process of fertilization of rice plants to cope with an uncertain climate conditions?3. How is the design tool capable of optimizing system performance in helping to pollinate rice gepyok?
C. Research Objectives1. To find out how to maximize the process of pollination in rice plants to cope with an uncertain climatic conditions.2. To find out gepyok systems in maximizing the process of pollination in the process of fertilization of rice plants to cope with an uncertain climatic conditions.3. To know the design tool capable of optimizing system performance in helping to pollinate rice gepyok.

D. Benefits of ResearchFor farmers:1. As a cornerstone of local wisdom development community within the system increases the productivity of rice.2. Providing solutions to problems of climate change on societyFor governments:1. As one of Indonesia food productivity development solution.2. As a cornerstone of agricultural development policy-making in increasing rice productivity in the middle of climate change are uncertain.For researchers:1. Able to explore and recognize the potential of indigenous communities.2. Increasing insights about agricultural science researchers, especially rice.
E. Research MethodsMethods of data collection that we did in this study are as follows:1. Observation is done by observing LIVE rice pollination process which includes gepyok senggol. This observation we do:Place: The area of ​​paddy fields and Dusun Tegal NgawenTime: October 1 - October 28, 20102. Interview (interview), which is done by conducting interviews directly to the experts and some of the farmers we've set. As for some of the informants we interviewed were as follows:a. Sudarsono M. Si as the faculty of Plant Systematics Faculty of Biology, State University of Yogyakarta.b. Dr. Syaiful as lecturer Faculty of Agricultural Engineering University of Gajah Mada.c. Dr. Sri Muhartini, MS as lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Gajah Mada.d. Ir. Adi Widayan as Section Head of the Department of Agriculture Food Crop Production in Yogyakarta Province.e. Widayat staff as Program & Information Department of Agriculture Province of Yogyakarta.f. Yitnodiharjo Ngawen Dusun Tegal as farmers who have applied gepyok bumper system for 40 years.3. Study library (library research), which is a review of appropriate literature from various books and sources from the internet. The places we used to do a book study, namely:a. Yogyakarta State University Libraryb. Sleman District Libraryc. Gajah Mada University Library4. Documentation, that is by collecting data, both in the form of primary documents and secondary documents, such as data from the Department of Agriculture, Yogyakarta.

CHAPTER IIANALYSIS OF THE SOLUTION PHENOMENA optimization pollination RICE Amid Climate Change
A. The impact of climate uncertainty on rice pollination processRice is one crop terpentinng in civilization. Which 60% of the world is currently producing rice, 80% of them are in Asia (Indonesia and India). That's because the consumption of Asians reached 400 puonds or 200kg per year per orangya. From the great level of consumption that is pushing Indonesia as one of the country rice producers. In addition to the high level of consumption of moist soil conditions Indonesia is also a supporter of Indonesia as a producer. (Thomas Stubbs and William Norman Richardson, 1978:113-114)Plants that are rooted fibers, rods are very short, perfect leaves with lanceolate shape, with flowers called florets arranged compound with fruit and grain type. Rice breeding (reproduction) by generative (sexual) by using a flower pollination process as a means of reproduction. Rice is a crop pollinating themselves (self-pollination), because in one flower has pollen (benangsari) and stigma (the stigma). ( a rice flower pollination, the zygote and embryo and endosperm and seed, then it becomes an important issue if disturbed. One inhibitor of the pollination problem is the climate.Climatic factors that inhibit the pollination problem is the rain and wind. (Sri Setyati Handayani ,1979:142-144)Wind dalah one of the most important factor in the process of pollination, because the wind is a natural factor as a tool thresher pollen (pollen). When male and female genitals are fully ripe, the two crowns on the rate of paddy Palea and lamme its previously closed began to open itself would then form an angle of about 30 ˚ to 60 ˚. The corner cracks that cause the stamens can be popped out and facilitate pollination by the wind (Hadrian Siregar, 1981:26). But when the wind does not exist then the pollen would be difficult to fall on the pistil (stigma). If the wind is too big then it would also be bad, because the pollen will fly everywhere, and opportunities will fall on the stigma becomes smaller. Therefore, the wind is very big influence on rice pollination process. Besides climatic factors affecting pollination is the rain. (Jurgen H. Hohnholz, 1986:37)Rain is one of the factors that affect pollination. If it rained at the time of flower opening and stamen (pollen) appears then pollination will be disturbed. Because when it rains and the anthers then mixed the pollen will fall in the water, so that the adhesion benangsari on the stigma will be reduced, because the steam (petals) filled with water (Jurgen H. Hohnholz, 1986:37). According to Drs. Syaiful Rohdianto as a lecturer at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, UGM, "If rain occurs continuously during the rice flowering period it will be very disruptive process of pollination, pollination even in chronic conditions can be said to fail and will lead to rot." The rain continued to cause decay, because the flowers of rice will be filled by water and damp conditions so that the interest rate to paddy will be easy busuk.Apabila increasingly heavy rain it will be much interest paddy benangsarinya lose adhesion, if it happens so much going fruit that is not formed into pieces or blank (in the Java language gabuk) / fail pollination.Because a lot of rice gabuk then yields less than the maximum.(Jurgen H. Hohnholz, 1986:37).
Figure 1. Wet riceIn the short-term time perspective, climatic conditions throughout the year 2010 till now seem profitable for farmers. That is because the rain was still falling in the dry season so that the flow of water is sufficient for planting rice. This condition is utilized by people to plant rice during the planting crops. According to Ir Adi Widayan as Section Head of Department of Agriculture Food Crop Production DIY, "At present agricultural conditions showed most farmers do plant rice three times that of agricultural land area increased so did the paddy rice production in 2010 increased compared to previous years. However, increasing rice production in 2010 was not followed by an increase rice productivity is only 56.00 kw / ha, down from previous years that touch the figure 57.62 kw / ha ". The value of productivity shows that rice production per hectare in Yogyakarta decreased by 1.62 kw from the previous year. The phenomenon of increasing the amount of rice production in respond by Dr. Sri Muhartini as a lecturer at the Faculty of Agriculture, "Soil fertility will continue to decline if the rice planting done as much as three times a year. These conditions will greatly affect the productivity of rice during the next planting rice productivity and certainly will continue menurus periodically ". This was caused by a decrease in the number of nutrients contained in the soil.If examined in depth three times planting rice per year will be fatal in rice farming conditions in the future. If productivity continues to decline in rice production will not be able to meet the level of consumption. Whereas in certain conditions, farmers in keterlenaan spent a year to grow rice to meet the saturation point, which if not anticipated from early will cause food problems in Indonesia.
B. Gepyok system as a maximizer pollination process in rice plants.At first the people having problems on rice yields, it is one of them because a lot of empty rice (gabuk). Society considers it is because there are evil spirits who suck the juice rice paddy during flowering. Then people wearing gepyok way in order to expel evil spirits when the rice in the flowering period, in order to harvest obtained abundant and there are no empty (gabuk). Therefore, people in the village of Tegal Ngawen, Trihanggo, Dalkeith, Sleman, Yogyakarta routinely perform gepyok that they always yield the maximum.Gepyok is only done when the rainfall is high, because people believe that when rainfall is high the evil spirits would come down and the rice will absorb the juice. According to Mbah Yitno Ngawen tegals hamlet as farmers, "System gepyok menika diagem kangge ngusir lelembut ingkang nyesep saripari. Amargi sesepan lelembut menika, pari kathah ingkang gabuk "which in Indonesian language means gepyok system is used to expel spirits who suck the juice rice, because the spirit of the suction caused a lot of rice gabuk.So if it does not do a system gepyok the rainy season rice cropping farmers will harvest failures.
Figure 2. Process conducted by a bumper gepyok Yitnodiharjo (76)
Before performing any rituals performed gepyok farmers, the event was to burn incense, and gift offerings. "Mbakar incense you Paring sadjen menika kangge ngormati gusti ingkang sampun Paring grace inggih menika tanduranipun sampun utawi mekatak flower flower lan nyuwun supados you disturbed the stingray mboten Ian lelembut mboten risak amargi Djawah ingkang keparing you Gusti Allah Almighty ingkang Kuwaos' in Indonesian which burn incense and give offerings in order to honor the God who gave grace to the flowering of rice plants or mekatak (in Java) and requested that their rice crops digangu not by evil spirits and would not be ruined by rain. In essence, this event is a public trust and prayer so that their rice crops can grow and evolve in order to later obtain a good harvest.While the next event is the "drag genter" (the core of gepyok)."Drag genter meniko hadicoro saklajengipun gepyok" means that the attractive genter (long bamboo) is the next event from gepyok.Two farmers will be holding a long bamboo in both ujungya, then walk along the rice field. Bamboo touched the tip of paddy rice straw in order to shake the demons that attach to the rice flowers go, and how are practiced repeatedly. It can also be done by a farmer. Gepyok way by one person applied the same procedure except that done by one person. But if only done by a farmer will need more power, but it is also less than the maximum because penggepyokkan penggepyokan can actually damage the interest if any in doing penggepyokan.In the village of Tegal Ngawen, gepyok always done even if the ritual did not like it used to. Growing community of thought and culture that began to wear off cause gepyok system is no longer used as a deterrent gabuk. "Gepyok menika sampun mboten kathah ingkang ngagem amargi kathah farmers ingkang menawi gepyok menika thinkers instead ndadosaken gabuk pari." Which in Indonesian language starts unused gepyok because many people believe that it actually makes the rice gepyok they are empty. Farmers mengnganggap that gepyok not increase their rice yields. That is because an error occurs on penggepyokan. The error is when farmers menggepyok, when they are digepyok menggepyok not just the tip of paddy rice but also the interest rate itself, causing rice to be damaged and can not bear fruit. That's what causes decreased rice yields.Gepyok is one of the optimization mechanism in rice plant pollination done by farmers to increase yields. However, people combine it with cultural values ​​and beliefs, so gepyok emerged as a regional tradition in agriculture. The system also can be used as one of the solutions of Things are posed by climate change which affects the erratic weather changes that are less than optimal pollination.In the face of the impact of wind conditions that are less stable gepyok bumper must be supported by planting crops along the rice field to rice pollination truly effective. Along the rice field planted with crops that can grow its way like beans, nuts Tolo, and nuts resede. Be wrapped around a tree nuts lanjaran (bamboo pole in the Indonesian language) and will strengthen the bamboo pole.When the wind blows too hard then planted the plants will withstand the wind and reduce wind velocity, so that the flower pollen that is not lost.Flowers rice when ready to mate will become very brittle.Therefore, pollination that occurs in rice requires a constant driving force for rice flower is able to reproduce well. If the driving force is not constant then the flower pollen grain into the male mating cells will not fall exactly on the pistil.Pollination of rice which became the embryo of the rice itself is not supported by natural factors. Climate uncertainty causes the tool natural pollination (wind) becomes less than optimal. The instability of wind pollination natural causes less than optimal and yields many gabuk. Also if it rained continuously when the flowers are ripe paddy and rice flowers will bloom then filled with water. If water is not immediately lost due to yawn, or fall because of the wind, it will cause decay.In theory this is correct gepyok system used to help pollinate the crops of rice, but in practice it still has some shortcomings, and therefore needed a tool that is able to optimize the performance of the system gepyok.
C. Design tool that can optimize system performance gepyok.Gepyok that farmers do actually been able to optimize pollination in rice plants. But the techniques used still has some shortcomings.Because of the speed and distance of its height is less stable, so penggepyokkan be less than the maximum. So penggepyokan be less targeted. Here is a design tool that can maximize the system performance gepyok.
Figure 3. Design Tool.Description:1. Puli player.2. Pulley holder track.3. Lever drive.4. Pole foundation. 5. Axis player.6. Pole.7. Rope rotation.8. Penggepyok rope.
The workings of the tool above is as follows:When the lever is rotated driving the rotary motion of the lever will be forwarded to the pulleys player I, the pivot player, and player kepuli II. Then the rotation of the pulleys player I and player II will move the pulley rope penggepyok lines I and II penggepyok lane rope in the same direction and simultaneously. So that will drive the penggepyok rope, and rope can penggepyok menggepyok rice plant that is passed on rope lines penggepyok.
Figure 4. Use of Equipment
As for tools, and materials required to make the tool gepyok are as follows:Tool:1. Drilling machine.2. 4.5 mm diameter drill bit.3. Saws.4. Meter.5. Candles. 6. Matches.7. Large spikes.8. Scissors.9. Glue pipeMaterial:1. ¾ the size of modified pipes inc (1 stick)Cut to size: 45 cm (6 sticks)
8.5 cm (1 stick)
5 cm (5 stems)2. Modified pipes size ½ inc (1 stick).Cut to size: 55 cm (6 sticks)
15 cm (1 stick)
12 cm (2 sticks)3. Connection "T" pipe size ¾ inc (1 fruit).4. Connection "L" pipe size ¾ inc (5 pieces).5. Cover pipe sizes ¾ inc (5 pieces).6. Connection "L" pipe sizes ½ inc (2 pieces).7. Cover pipe sizes ½ inc (1 fruit).8. Large spikes (6 pieces).9. Cans (6 pieces).10. Plastic nylon thread (to taste).11. Rope (to taste).12. Rope clamps (setter).13. Long as the wood shaft (1 stick).14. Water, sand, and cement.15. Bolt length with a diameter of 4 mm (6 pieces).16. Nut with a diameter of 4 mm (12 pieces).17. Puli from timber (6 pieces).How to manufacture tools:1. Prepare tools and materials.2. Punch a hole all covers pipe sizes ½ ¾ inc inc and size at its midpoint with the drill size 4.5 mm.3. Punch a hole too wooden pulleys at its midpoint.4. Create six main stem pedestal. Make dough of cement, and sand to taste. Then enter the pipe inc ½ sizes to 55 cm long on the tin, then fill the can with the grout, and sand. After that wait until the cement and sand dry and harden.5. Create a pulley holder paths as much as 5 units. Take the shaft (bolt) and the input shaft (bolt) on the pulley hole. Then put the nut on the shaft pulleys as a spacer-free motion of pulleys, then enter the shaft in the hole cap modified pipes. After that the shaft by inserting a lock nut on the shaft of the inside of the pipe cover.6. Then put the poles on the pulleys in a way to pair inc ¾ size pipe with a length of 5 cm, then connected on the connection pipe "L".After that attach to the pipe buffer size of ¾ of length 45 cm inc.Finally insert the pipe into the pipe size ½ inc main pillars that have been planted in a tin containing a mixture of cement with sand.7. After that pull the poles back pulleys. Make a hole using a heated nail on the poles of pulleys at the bottom with a distance of 5 cm from the end of the pipe. Then make holes also use the same nail on the main poles with a distance of 5 cm from the bottom of the pole, then make more on it with a distance of 2 cm from the previous hole. Make a hole on the main poles until the end of the pole.8. Create a pulley which is equipped with a lever drive pulleys.Take the shaft (bolt) and pipe coverings inc ½ sizes that have been perforated. Insert the shaft (bolt) on the closing holes of the pipe.Then insert the pulley on the shaft (bolt) is attached to cover the pipe. Then put the nut on the shaft (bolt) to lock pulleys, and cover the pipe on the shaft.9. Then plug the pipe inc ½ sizes with a length of 12 cm on the cover is fitted with pulleys yanng pipe. Then enter the connection pipe "T" inc ¾ size on pipes, pipe fittings attach "L" inc ½ sizes on the ends. Then plug the pipe inc ½ sizes with a length of 15 cm, and pairs of pipe fittings "L" ½ size at the ends, then plug the pipe size of ½ a length of 12 cm. Then insert the pipe size with a length of ¾ 8.5 cm. Finally the key end of the pipe using pipe coverings inc ½ sizes. After that attach to the pipe buffer size of ¾ of length 45 cm. Finally insert the pipe into the pipe size ½ inc main pillars that have been planted in a tin containing a mixture of cement with sand.10. Give the glue on each connection so that the connection is not easily separated.11. After that pull the poles back pulleys. Make a hole using a heated nail on the poles of pulleys at the bottom with a distance of 5 cm from the end of the pipe. Then make holes also use the same nail on the main poles with a distance of 5cm from the base of the pole, then create it again at a distance of 2cm from the previous hole. Make a hole on the main poles until the end of the pole.
Figure 5. Process Equipment
Economic value creation tool gepyok:Assumed = 1. 6x12-meter wide fields.2. For 1x planting period (5x gepyok).• To frame (modified pipes, glue, and joints) =Rp 40000.00 (5 years = 10x the growing season)RP 40,000.00 / 10 = USD 4000.00 / planting.• For nylon yarn and ropes =USD 4000.00 (one year = 2x the growing season)USD 4000.00 / 2 = USD 2000.00 / time of planting.• For wooden pulleys (6 pieces) =USD 6000.00 (3 years = 6x the growing season)USD 6000.00 / 6 = USD 1000.00 / time of planting.Total expenses required in each growing season =Rp Rp 2000.00 + 4000.00 + 1000.00 = USD $ 7000.00 USDCHAPTER IIICONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS
A. Conclusion.From the results of research that has been done then, can be taken kesimpulkan as follows:1. Instability of the climate impact on the process of planting rice.The pattern of rainfall and wind speed and direction are unpredictable makes the farmer unable to schedule the planting process perfectly. Wind has a role in panyarbukan namely, providing wobble and carry pollen to the stigma attached, but if the wind is too large, the pollen will fly (pollination failure) or the rice will collapse. Rain became an obstacle in the process of pollination, if the pollination phase of continuous rain can cause the stamens to lose adhesion or even rice will mengalamikebusukan.2. Gepyok able to maximize the process of pollination of rice plants to cope with an uncertain climatic conditions. Since the fall can help the process of pollen to the stigma as a replacement for natural pollination by wind when the wind does not exist, and helps eliminate water in flower petals when there is rain in the time period long enough, and in overcast conditions there was no heat source or sunlight to remove water through evaporation.3. Gepyok bumper design tools stem from one pulley as a driving force associated with the shaft threads. Mechanism of action, as penggepyok yarn moves from side to side with the help of a rope so that the rotation will be able to reach all areas of paddy cultivation. The advantages of this tool is the stability in the altitude and speed so that it can help to pollinate penggepyokan optimally.
B. Advice.1. There is need for further research.2. The existence of socialization on pollination problems and mechanisms as an alternative solution gepyok bumper.3. Needed further attention to the development of systems of rice plants to anticipate problems arising from the phenomenon of climate change.
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RESEARCHER 1Name: Wicaksana SonPlace, date of birth: Sleman, June 1, 1991Gender: MaleReligion: IslamAddress: Ngablak, Bangunkerto Turi, Sleman, YogyakartaSchool: SMK 2 Depok SlemanParents: SupraptoAddress of parents: Ngablak, Bangunkerto Turi, Sleman, YogyakartaPhone no. : 085643138586Email: chaqwe_dds@yahoo.comHobbies: Rock climbing, soccer, hiking.Achievements: Winner of a competition KIS 2009 a district of Sleman
LKS KIS Contest Winner 1 a DIY 2009Motto: "Change is a process"

RESEARCHERS 2Name: Agustina SlametPlace, date of birth: Surakarta, August 18, 1993Gender: FemaleReligion: IslamAddress: Kronggahan, Trihanggo, Dalkeith, Sleman, YogyakartaSchool: SMK 2 Depok SlemanParents: PariniAddress of parents: Jl. Pioneer Independence No. 45, SurakartaPhone no. : 085729791511Email: Drawing, writing, singing, biking.Achievements: Champion 3-district Competition MTQ se Dalkeith 2005Essay Contest Winner 3 PDT 2009LCC 1945 champion 3-kab se. Sleman 2008Winner of a competition KIS 2009 a district of SlemanLKS KIS Contest Winner 1 a DIY 2009PP Contest Winner 1 WIRA a DIY PMR 2010Motto: "Researching to death."

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