Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Rice Cultivation

B.  Rice CultivationThere are several steps that made the farmers in paddy cultivation malakukan such as: nurseries, land preparation, planting, fertilizing, weeding, control and eradication of pests and diseases and harvesting.1. SeedbedNursery done 25 days before planting, seeding done on the same land or adjacent to the plot of rice to be planted, this is done so seedlings are ready to move, time will be grown easily lifted and transported and remain fresh. If a remote location, then the seeds are transported to stress even if it is too long to wait to die (Anonima, 2008).Seeds needed for planting in an area of ​​1 ha up to 20 Kg. Sowing the seed that would previously have to be perfect marinated beforehand about 2 x 24 hours, in a bucket or other container. This was done so that the seeds can suck the water needed for perkecambahannya (Anonima, 2008).Nursery beds are made of 100 m2/20 Kg. land for seeding this before should be processed first, land preparation for seeding is done by hoeing up ground to mud and chunks of land are no longer there. Land that has been fine mud is then criss-crossed and between plots were made trenches for water regulation mempernudah (Anonima, 2008).Seeds are soaked for 2 x 24 hours and already germinated stocked dipersemaian carefully and evenly, it didimaksudkan that the seeds that grow are not contiguous. Besides the seeds do not have to sink into the ground because it can cause seedling infection pathogens (disease-causing plants) that can cause rotting sprouts. Seedbed fertilization performed at approximately the age of one week after planting the seeds (sow). Supplies of fertilizer are used ie, 2.5 kg urea, 2.5 Kg 1 Kg SP36 and KCl (Anonima, 2008).2. Soil ProcessingTreatment aims to change the physical properties of the soil so that the layer which was originally flat and hard to silt up. That way the weeds will die and decompose into humus, the better soil aeration, soil layers become saturated under water so as to conserve water. In tilling this field, carried also refinement and rice field setting and gutters. Bund (galengan) strived to keep a good field to facilitate the setting so that no wasteful irrigation and water treatment plants easier. Stages of rice cultivation in principle include activities as follows:a. CleaningGalengan fields cleared of grass, repaired, and made a bit high.The main function galengan when the start to retain water during the processing of soil so as not to flow out map. The next function is closely related to existing arrangements for water needs of rice plants (Anonimb, 2008).Channel or ditch repaired and cleared of grass. The activity aims to facilitate the flow of water and press the number of weed seeds carried into the map. Straw and crop residues remaining on the field if the soil is cleaned before it is processed (Anonimb, 2008).Straw can be burned or transported to another place for animal feed, compost, or fuel. Cleaning plant debris can be done by hand and hoe (Anonimb, 2008).b. CultivationAfter galengan and channel improvements, the next stage is hoeing. The corners of the plot of a hoe to facilitate the work of the plow or tractor. The work was carried out simultaneously with the time of cultivation (Anonimb, 2008).c. PiracyPiracy and related activities penggaruan is. Both activities are aimed at making the soil silt up and ready for planting rice paddy.Land preparation is done by using a tractor engine. Before plowed, flooded paddy soil to loose. Old flooding rice fields affected by soil conditions and planting preparation. Piracy is usually done twice. With piracy is expected to split the clumps of soil into small pieces. Clumps of soil is then destroyed by hoe so that it becomes a flat smooth mud. The advantage of land that has been processed such that irrigation water can be evenly distributed. In a wide-field plot, it need a bed-beds. Between the beds one with the other beds in the form of small channels.Channel ends meet with a small trench at the edge galengan useful to facilitate irrigation water. (Anonimb, 2008).3. Implementation of PlantingAfter land preparation was wrong then ready to be planted seedlings. Seeds are usually moved at the age of 20-25 days.Characteristics of seedlings ready to be moved is leafy strands 5-6, 22-25 cm high, rootstock large and hard, free from pests and diseases so that growth is uniform.Seedlings grown in nursery beds to be moved from the plot of a rice field, by means of seeds removed from nursery beds to keep the roots carry over all and not damaged. After the seeds were collected in the bonds then placed disawah with some roots immersed into water. Seeds were planted in an upright position and in a 2-3 hole planted seedlings, with planting depth is 2 cm, because if less than 2 cm seedlings will be easily washed away.Spacing rice usually 20 x 20 cm (Anonima, 2008).4. FertilizationCultivated soil tends to lack of nutrient for plants, therefore, required the addition of nutrients derived from organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer. Fertilizer dose of rice paddies is strongly influenced by the type and level of soil fertility, fertilization history given and the type of rice planted (Anonima, 2008).The use of fertilizer dose for paddy rice for one hectare of land is as follows Urea 200 Kg, 200 Kg SP36, and KCL 100 Kg.Fertilization is done twice in a single culture (production) of rice paddies. Fertilization is done during the first 12 days old plants with a fertilizer dose-third of total fertilizer needs, while the rest of the fertilizer is given at the second stage at approximately 40 days old plants (Anonima, 2008).5. Weeding (weed control)Care and pemelihraan very important crop in the implementation of wetland rice cultivation. Things are often done by the farmers are weeding (weed control).Weeds are plants that live together bullies cultivated plants.Weeding done in 2 stages, first stage of weeding done during the plant life of approximately 15 days and the second stage at the age of 30-35 days old plants. Weeding is done is by pulling weeds and off with or without the use of tools, weeding is usually done in conjunction with the replanting activities (Anonimc, 2008).6. SprayingPests are often found attacking crops are paddy rice stem borer, Walang sangit, leafhoppers and grasshoppers. Control of pests and diseases that farmers do is to use a pesticide to one hectare farm only requires 2 people and labor within a day pemyemprotan can be resolved (Anonimc, 2008).7. HarvestQuality rice yields are not only derived from the cultivation of good handling, but also supported by the harvest handling. The exact time of rice harvest if grain was old or mature. The harvest time affects the amount of production, grain quality, and quality of rice that will be generated. Delays in harvesting caused a lot of grain production decreased due to the loss. Harvest time is too early causes of low quality grain, a lot of broken rice when milled, green grained, and granular limestone (Anonim. 2008)Rice harvest to consumption is usually done at the optimum cooking. As for the rice harvest for seeds require additional time to complete the formation of grain embryos.When the harvest in the field is influenced by many things, such as high places, the growing season, maintenance, fertilizing, and varieties. In the dry season, plants can usually be harvested early. If fertilized with high doses of nitrogen, plants tend to be harvested later than usual. Harvesting is best done when the weather is bright. In general, rice can be harvested at the age of 110-115 days after planting.Criteria rice plants ready for harvesting are as follows:1) Age of plant has reached the age stated in the description of these varieties.2) Leaf flag and 90% grain had yellowed.3) Malai down for sustaining rice grains are pithy.4) Grain grain feels hard when ditekan.Apabila peeled, seemed content grain white rice and hard when in gigit.Biasanya grain should have a moisture content of 22-25%.How to harvest varies depending on the habits and the level of technology adoption by farmers. Harvesting can be done by cutting the stem below malainya. Rice straw was cut on the bottom, middle, or top with crescent (sickle). Grain yields then dirontokan in the fields. Threshing delays may postpone activities and possible drying of grain grained yellow.Method used by farmers threshing manner struck down. Phase out rice straw was cut on the timber or box slammed gebug that regardless of the panicle and grain accumulated at the base.Blows of repeated 2-3 times so that no grain left on the panicle.Straw then stacked in another place (Junandar, 2008).8. Age harvestThere are several ways to determine the age of the rice harvest, which is based on: (1) Age of plant varieties according to the description, (2) The moisture content of grain, (3) Method of optimizing the day flat after flowering, and (4) appearance of panicle (Setyono, and Hasanuddin 1997 ).Time (age) harvest by age according to the descriptions of varieties of plants are influenced by several factors, including varieties, climate, and high places, so that different harvest ages ranged from 5-10 days. Based on water content, the rice is harvested at a moisture content of 21-26% yield optimum production and produce good quality rice (Damardjati, 1979; Damardjati et al., 1981). Another way in determining the harvest age is fairly easy to implement method optimalisasi.Dengan optimization methods, rice panicle was harvested at 30-35 days after flowering average (HSB) to produce high-quality grain and rice (Rumiati and Soemadi, 1982) Determination of the timegeneral crop farmers is carried out based on panicle appearance, ie 90-95% of panicle rice look yellow (Rumiati, 1982).9. Harvesting and harvesting toolsHarvesting tools are often used in rice harvesting, are (1) ani-ani, (2) normal and sickle (3) serrated sickle (CBS, 1996). With diintroduksikannya new high yielding varieties of rice that have high yield potential and short berpostur, then change the use of a harvest of ani-ani to use ordinary scythe / sickle jagged. In the rice-harvesting is causing low yield loss (Damardjati, et al 1988, Pick et al, 1990 b).10. Rat Pest Control In ChemicalPoisoned bait. Chemical control measures carried out by using rodenticides, such Ramortal, Dora, Klerat, Racumin, sulfur, and others. Rodenticide which is now the group recommended that slow-acting anti-coagulant (mice die 2-14 days after eating poisoned bait). Generally the implementation of this control by providing feedback toxic to mice. But before hanging the bait, it should be monitoring whether the rat population is high or not.Each plot of rice field were about 10 bait, usually provided once a non-toxic bait to fool the rats to keep eating the bait. Only after some time, poisoned bait is installed in the field, (Anonimc, 2008).REFERENCESAAK. 1990. Rice Cultivation. Canisius. YogyakartaAnonima. 2008. Rice Milling 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