Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

mina rice cultivation

National Development goal of which is to increase revenue
farmers. One way is by improving the efficiency of use
land, such as by applying mina rice technology on land
paddy fields.
Mina maintenance system maintained fish with rice is 30 days and
fish reach sizes of 30-40 tails / kg of time until the crops were
first or second weeding.
The goal is for the system of rice mina:
1) Support the improvement of land produksivitas.
2) To increase farmers' income.
3) Increasing the quality of food for rural dwellers.
1) Map around the fields have a strong embankment, can hold water
and not leaking. Bund width 30-50 cm and 40-50 cm tall.
2) Line in the income and expenditure dilengkapidengan sieve (wire,
bamboo and others).
3) The shape and width of the trench or kemalir adjusted with an area map
fields, ie 2-3%. In kemalir is 20-30 cm. Various forms of
kemalir are as follows:
Figure 1. Forms kemalir
4) Planting of rice adapted to the provisions of rule 10 (ten)
elements of technology package, namely:
a. Management of soil include: flooding, embankment repairs,
pembabadan hay, plowing and hoeing and equalization
soil surface.
b. Over the use of water in accordance with the amount and timing to crop needs
and arranged in turn.
c. Using seed labeled blue and pick-resistant
d. Balanced fertilization, in which the dose per hectare is UREA (200 kg),
TSP (100 kg), KCL (75 kg), and ZA (100 kg).
e. Integrated pest control without jeopardizing the
fish life.
f. Planting spacing, in the rainy season is 30 x 15 cm and 22 x
22 cm for the dry season. Each clump of rice consists of three rods.
g. Cropping pattern arrangement aims to cut the life cycle of pests.
h. Rotation of rice varieties planted.
i. Harvest and postharvest which includes the time of harvest, harvesting,
threshing, cleaning, drying and storage.
j. The use of complementary liquid fertilizer or plant growth regulators.
5) Planting fish.
a. The most common types of fish are kept goldfish.
b. Stocking fish is done more or less 4 days after planting rice.
c. Fish density is:
- Size (2-3) 2-3 cm ekor/m2,
- Size (3-5) 1-2 cm ekor/m2.
d. Supplementary feeding can be as much as 2-4 bran
kg / ha / day.
Production of fish that can be achieved after 30-40 days during the maintenance
1) Seed (2-3) cm with a degree of survival (RS) 50-65% the size
achieved (3-5) cm.
2) Seed (3-5) cm, 60-70% of its magnitude and size is achieved (5-8) cm.
Gains derived from rice cultivation and also from
planting fish. The advantage that the rice planting season dilakukansatu times per
ha is as follows:
1) Cost of expenses
a. 6 fish dish @ Rp. 4000, - USD. 24,000, -
b. Feeding bran 100 kg @ Rp. 125, - Rp. 12.500, -
The amount of Rp. 36 500, -
2) Revenue
a. Fish production 70 kg @ Rp. Rp. 2000, - USD. 140.000, -
3) net profit of Rp. 103 500, -
1 dish = 3000 tail
1 kg = 166 tail (size (3-5) cm with SR 65%.
Brochures Maintenance Fish with Rice Mina System, Department of Agriculture,
Directorate General of Fisheries, Freshwater Aquaculture Center, Sukabumi, Indonesia,
Department of Agriculture, Directorate General of Fisheries, Aquaculture Center
Tawar, Jl. Salabintana No. 17 mailbox 67, Sukabumi 43101, Tel.0266 81211,
81 240.

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