Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

PLANT ON RICE (Oryza sativa L.)

Writing Is Organized To Follow Biology Student Writing Contest
SMA / MA a DIY / Jateng


Agustina Slamet (12 515)
M. Nur Fauzi Ibrahim (12 340)
Princess Rachma Novitasari (12 146)

MRICAN, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta
May, 2009

A. Background Issues
Indonesian agricultural country known as the source of staple food is rice. Therefore, rice is one of the commodities that are important food staples. In line with the increasing demand for food staples, especially rice in Indonesia is required to have a superior quality.
Based on statistical data of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said the number of world rice production in 2005 reached 700 million metric tons. Of the total production of Indonesia is producing 54 million metric tons so it occupies the third position in the world's largest rice producer after China and India (source).
So far, the main obstacle in achieving the target of rice production is the presence of parasites in the rice plant. One of the parasites contained in the rice plant is peat moss (sphagnum sp.). Peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Serves as a parasite that will eat the nutrients that exist in rice plants. As a result nutrients - nutrients that are contained in rice plants can be reduced or may even disappear.
In Siamese Pontianak orange peel contained 70-92% limonene According to the Ministry of Health, substances commonly used repellent moss made from chemicals are not safe for consumer safety. While UV does not effectively kill the moss. So now comes the discovery of a new disinfectant made of natural ingredients that is orange extract conjoined with one of the active compound is d-limonene. Active compounds in it effectively eradicate the bacteria, mildew, viruses, according to various sources of research.(Http://
Limonene considered effective to eradicate the moss in a reasonably short period of time, since limonene is a non-alcoholic disinfectan. Limonene is also safe for health, safe for health and lawful environment-friendly because it is made from natural materials that easily degraded in nature. with the properties that can kill the moss with a particular concentration without destroying the state of the rice plant.(Http://
Based on data from Agricultural Statistics, 2005, Indonesia citrus production increased almost 130 percent of orange production in 2002. Increased production is dominated by citrus fruits that can be conjoined ecosystems grown on dry land, rice fields or swamps and lowlands.
In addition, the orange peel because it is considered an effective use of readily available waste and citrus fruit that is quite familiar in Indonesia. Starting from this issue we are interested to conduct a more in-depth study through this research.

B. Limitations
The problem that the authors raise is limited to the use of orange peel fruit as an alternative disinfectant peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On rice plants, in a simple manner by distillation. This type of citrus fruit skin was chosen because there were so many types of citrus and easy to find.

C. Problem formulation
The principal issues to be discussed in this paper can be formulated as follows:
1. How Siamese Pontianak orange peel effect of peat moss (sphagnum sp.) In rice plants?
2. How do I use orange peel to eradicate siam pontianak peat moss (sphagnum sp.) In rice plants?

D. Research Objectives
Dilaksakanan with the aim of this study:
1. Determine the effect of orange peel as a disinfectant Siamese pontianak peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On rice plants.
2. Knowing how to use orange peel to eradicate siam pontianak peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On rice plants.
3. Knowing the economic value from the siam Pontianak orange peel.

E. Benefits of Research
The benefits of this research include:
Practical Benefits
1. The results can be used as an initial step disinfectant manufacture of peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On rice plants.
2. For manufacturers, in order to optimize rice production.
Theoretical Benefits
1. For the writer, in order to learn to understand the phenomena around, then find the solution and pour it into the form of scientific papers.


A. Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Kingdom: Plantae
Divisio: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Oryza
Species: Oryza sativa L.

 History of Rice.
Historically, rice including the genus Oryza L. which includes approximately 25 species, scattered in areas such as tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, America and Australia.
According to Chevalier and Neguier, rice comes from two continents: Oryza fatua Koenig and Oryza sativa L. originated from Asia, while other rice species Oryza namely stapfli Roscher and Oryza glaberrima Stend from West Africa (African Continent).Oriza Fatura Koenig and Oryza minuta Presl originating daru India (Himalayas)
The current rice is a cross between Oryza officinalis and Oryza Satira F. Spontonea. In Indonesia in the first rice crop cultivated in dry land areas with farm system, without irrigation. This was also done in other countries-nagara.
In Malaysia, Rice may dibahagikan to follow three sets of specific properties. But there are only two simple sets that are important namely Indica and Japonica. Indica collection may be found in Malaysia, India, Thailand and other regions. Tempatan traditional type or nature of the subject has a high, long and thin seed ore, Just fall down if given more than 34kg/ha nitrogen, tempoh mature too late (160-270 days) and is believed to be sensitive to the long period of sunlight (fotokala) Example varieti-sample contained in a collection that is low as yellow, Mayang ebas, Siam 49, Acheh 62, Kara 1, and the handful of sepilai Morak. Rice from this collection is very popular with residents Tempatan.
Japonica collection, there is also in cold climate regions such as Taiwan, Korea and Japan as. He has a short seeds, have a follow-back on the provision of nitrogen, tempoh early maturing (100-140 days) spend a lot of kids rice and issued a high yield.
Rice plants are seasonal crops, including grasses groups with the classification as follows:
Kingdom: Plantae
Divisio: Angiospermae
Class: Monocotyledoneae
Order: Poales
Family: Poaceae
Genus: Oryza
Species: Oryza sativa L.
Overall there are 25 species of rice, including Oryza sativa L.
Oriza sativa L. subspecies, two of which are:
1 Indica (rice fur)
2 Sinica (ceve rice) in the familiar as well as Japonica. ~ ahmad/tugasan/s2_99/a72841.htm)

Rice to human interests.
Rice is a food that produces rice. This food is a food bars for sebahagian large population of people in Asia especially Asean.Rice is one of the foods that contain adequate nutrition and adequate reinforcement for the human body, because it contains materials that are easily converted into energy. Therefore, rice is also called energy food ingredients.
According to Collin Clark Papanek, the nutritional value required by every adult is 1821 calories. If smallpox is included with the rice, the rice is needed every day of 0.88kg.
Rice contain adequate range of nutrients needed by the body, among others: Carbohydrates, protein, fat, crude fiber, ash and vitamins. In addition, some elements of rice also contain adequate minerals, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, fuspor and so on. (Http:// ~ ahmad/tugasan/s2_99/a72841.htm)

B. Peat moss (sphagnum sp.)
Moss is a plant that has been formed embryo, berspora but does not have roots, stems and leaves. Moss had metagenesis namely the descendants of rotation between the gametophyte and sporophytes.
A moss gametophyte plant itself and the generations that produce sperm or ovum, is sporophytes is the generation that produces spores.
Moss has anteridium (male sex cells) shaped like a rod that produces sperm and arkhegonium (female sex cells) shaped like a bottle that produces ova.
In addition to the generative breeding moss is also reproduce vegetatively by budding and regeneration of high power.
According to the location of gametangia, moss can be divided into:
- Moss monoecious: if anteridium and arkegonium contained in a single individual.
- Moss married two: when a single individual and there is anteridium arkegonium only.
Lumut to differentiate into the classroom:
a. Hepaticae (liver moss)
monoecious ie between sex cells of male and female sex cells are in one individual.
- Marchantia polymorpha as a drug offense (hepatitis)
- Marchantia geminata
b. Musci (moss leaves)
settle two sex cells namely between male and female sex cells apart.
- Spagnum fimbriatum as a substitute for cotton
- Poltricum commune
- Pogonatum cirhatum
The role of mosses in life:
a. Spagnum is the fundamental building blocks of peat, cotton and as a substitute fuel.
b. Liver moss as an indicator of humid areas and used drugs liver disease (hepatitis).
c. Moss along with algae to form lichen (lichen) which is a pioneer plant for the arid places.
d. In the forest of moss cushions serve to absorb rainwater and melting snow, thus reducing the possibility of flooding and drought in summer.
e. Peat moss can be used as fertilizer for the soil fertility.

C. Siam Pontianak oranges (Citrus nobilis var. Microcarpa)
Kingdom: Plantae
Divisio: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Subclass: Rosidae
Order: Sapindales
Familia: Rutaceae
Genus: Citrus
Species: C. nobilis

Oranges from Thailand is the fruit skin yellowish green, shiny, and smooth surface. The thickness of the skin about 2 mm. The weight of each fruit about 75.6 g. The end pieces shallow grooved.Textured flesh soft and juicy with a sweet taste fresh. Each fruit contains about 20 seeds. Fruit production between 1000-2000 fruits per tree per year. Oranges are usually known to correspond with the name of the planting area. In Indonesia there are several types, but only two species recommended for planting, namely lime Siamese origin Pontianak Palembang Palembang and Pontianak Pontianak siam orange or orange slash from Pontianak.Tangerines grown in the form of low-trunked tree with a height between 2-8 m. Generally these plants are not spiny. Stem is round or half round and have a lot of branching with very shady canopy.Small branches lying scattered and irregular. The leaves are elongated oval, elliptical, or lanceolate with obtuse base and pointed tip like a spear. Upper surface shiny dark green leaves, while the lower surface light green. Leaves 4-8 cm long and 1.5 to 4 cm wide. Winged leaf stalks are very narrow so it can be said to be winged.
Siam Pontianak Pontianak oranges (Citrus nobilis var. Microcarpa) is a type of conjoined Pontianak oranges with the physical characteristics of thin skin shiny and slippery. Pontianak oranges have a sweet taste and is one of the leading commodity orange Pontianak.Sebenarnya City is not the result of agricultural production Pontianak. Sentra citrus actually comes from the District Tebas, Sambas district. But orange has long been known by the trademark "Orange Pontianak".
The history of the development of Citrus Siam pontianak who eventually known as the Orange Pontianak in West Kalimantan since 1936 precisely in the District Tebas Sambas regency.Seedlings originating from the People's Republic of China. Until the early 1950's Siamese Pontianak oranges have successfully cultivated up to 1,000 ha. Of 1960 most of the citrus trees are being felled due to disease.
In 1979 the estate was developed back pontianak Citrus Siam until 1996 and experienced the glory that is to reach 10,000 ha with a production of 26,000 tons per year.
After the 1996 Orange Siam pontianak plummeted as a result of the monopoly system of trade that resulted in the price level citrus farmer and the total income is not sufficient to finance the cost of expenditure, with the result of farmers leaving citrus trees die because of poorly maintained merangas aggravated due to pests and diseases.
Currently the Sambas re-develop the potential of citrus. KSP vast potential development area is currently between 10,000 Citrus - 20.0000 ha, contained in the District. Sambas. Its location is situated in a vast expanse of lowland in several villages in the district Pemangkat, Tebas, Sambas, and Teluk Keramat.
Based on superior product development plan Sambas regency, is still available commodity development covering an area of ​​7844 ha of citrus and still allow it to be expanded, because the availability of dry land farming area in West Kalimantan reached an area of ​​200,000 ha. (Http://
According to the official website of Province of West Kalimantan, Pontianak advantages of Citrus Siam, among others, in terms of its popularity is already quite well known both within and outside the country (especially ASEAN). Besides the productivity is also quite long (15-20 years) with a benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 3.59.BCR Siamese Pontianak orange is the highest compared to other agricultural commodities in West Kalimantan. Besides the price in the market is relatively stable and tends to increase.(Http://
The content of active compounds in orange peel essential oil varies from one to the other varieties. Note that the most dominant compounds in all varieties is limonene. Its content of essential oils in orange peel around 70-92%.(Http://

F. Mindset

G. Hypothesis
In Siamese Pontianak orange peel contained 70-92% limonene According to the Ministry of Health, substances commonly used repellent moss made from chemicals are not safe for consumer safety. While UV does not effectively kill the moss. So now comes the discovery of a new disinfectant made of natural ingredients that is conjoined with the orange peel one of the active compound is d-limonene. Active compounds in it effectively eradicate the bacteria, mildew, viruses, according to various sources of research.


A. Time and Place Research
The study consisted of preliminary research and advanced research. Preliminary research on the rice terraces in the form of surveys where the sampling material experiments conducted in Kronggahan II, RT 11, RW 10, Trihanggo, Dalkeith, Sleman, Yogyakarta and in Karanggeneng, RT 1-2, Rw 11, Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta .
Advanced research in the form of making an orange peel siam pontianak performed at the Laboratory of Chemical SMK N 2 Depok Sleman.
The study was conducted in May 2009.

B. Data Collection Methods
The data collection method used in this study are as follows.
1. Interview method (interview), namely to do with questions and answers to several informants who have been determined. The interviews were conducted in non-formal or informal.
2. Studies Reader (libraly research), namely by making the library as a review or reference in analyzing the problem in this study.
3. Observation methods, namely by directly observing the location of the study, in this paddy field locations where peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Grows.
4. Experiments, ie by doing experiments in this study, in this experiment was carried out on an orange peel.

C. Informant Research
One method the researchers used data collection is the method of interview (interview). To that end, investigators interviewed several informants, among others:
1. Mr. Jumedi (43), one of the farmers in the hamlet Karanggeneng, RT 2, Rw 11, Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta.
2. Mr. Daliman (55), chairman of farmer groups in the hamlet Karanggeneng, RT 1-2, Rw 11, Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

D. Population and Sample
1. Population studies: Orange Siamese pontianak
2. Study sample: Orange conjoined pontianak taken 200 grams of skin obtained from the public.
3. Terms of samples: Orange conjoined pontianak whose skin is yellowish green and quite fresh.

E. Research Variables
1. Variable-Free:
Siamese Pontianak orange peel levels
2. Related Variables:
Population peat moss (sphagnum sp.)
3. Control Variables:
Siamese Pontianak orange skin color

F. Materials and Equipment
1. Material
Materials used in this study are as follows:
1 Orange peel Siamese pontianak
2 Water
3 peat moss (sphagnum sp.)
4 fields
2. Tool
Equipment used in the study include:
1 Bottle spray
2 Blender
3 Balance analytical
4 Glasses Measure 100 ml
5 Knives
G. Research Steps
The steps undertaken in this study were as follows:
1. Land surveying and interviewing farmers.
2. Experiments on Siamese Pontianak orange peel can be used as a repellent peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On rice plants.
3. The division of fields into 5 small plots.
4. Sampling of peat moss (sphagnum sp.).
5. Spraying Siamese Pontianak orange peel into the peat moss (sphagnum sp.) With 4 treatments.
6. Observations accurately, regularly and continuously.
7. Data analysis and preparation of research reports.

H. Implementation
1. Interview Survey of Land and Peasants
A survey of rice farmland in Kronggahan II, RT 11, RW 10, Trihanggo, Dalkeith, Sleman, Yogyakarta and in Karanggeneng, Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta in May 2009. The survey covers the population of peat moss (sphagnum sp.), And as a result of peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Against the rice plant.
To complete the data done interviews with farmers to find out what action is carried out by farmers on peat moss (sphagnum sp.) In Karanggeneng, Sendangadi, Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Because the action taken by the farmers will have an effect in this study.
2. Experiments Regarding the Orange Skin Can Be Used As Siam pontianak Busier peat moss (sphagnum sp.) At Rice
Make orange peel Siamese pontianak early Siamese Pontianak orange peel cut small. Then the pieces of orange peel in a blender with siam pontianak mixing 200 grams of orange peel and 100 ml of water to give 275 ml solution.
3. Division of Small Field Plots Being 5
As the implementation of the experiment we divide the field into five small plots, namely plot 1, plot 2, row 3, plot 4 and plot 5. the whole plot measuring 1 meter x 1 meter. Rice terraces will be used as a medium spray.
4. Sampling of peat moss (sphagnum sp.)
Sampling of peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Initially conducted a search of rice plants affected by mildew on rice. Then the peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Situated on the rice crop diukut the average length of moss on each plant rice. Furthermore, it was moved to a patch of moss small plots with an average length and the same population
5. Siam Leather Orange spraying pontianak to peat moss (sphagnum sp.) With 4 Treatment
Of rice terraces done 4 treatments and 1 control.
Treatment Comparison Plots
Orange Water Skin Solution
Treatment 1 plots 1 25% 75%
Treatment 2 plots 2 50% 50%
Treatment 3 Plots 3 75% 25%
Treatment 4 Plots 4100% 0%
Each - each of the treatment is only sprayed one time on the first day. While spraying is not done to control or 0%
6. Observations In Thorough, Organized And Sustainable
Observations on the development of peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On the rice terraces with 4 treatments and a control carried out every 9 hours for 3 days starting the spraying. Processing data with a simple completely randomized design to determine the correlation between dose treatments with a population of peat moss (sphagnum sp.).
7. Data Analysis Methods
The method of data analysis has been used is descriptive-analytical method that is by doing a qualitative interpretation of the data have been obtained with the help of the table.


A. Peat Moss Effect Against Rice
Peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Is a plant which has demonstrated clear differentiation between organs absorbing nutrients and photosynthetic organs but do not have true roots and leaves. So that the rice plants infected with the parasite in the form of peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Can not absorb nutrients in the soil well. As a result the rice plant can not absorb nutrients properly and turn yellow and the resulting rice production becomes small and imperfect.

B. Skin Effect Against Against Citrus Siam Rice At Peat Moss
Table 1. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by the four treatments and a control on Hours Goto 0
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 20
Treatment 2 20
Treatment 3 20
Treatment 4 20
Control 20
Description: Treatment 1: 100% solution of Orange Skin
Treatment 2: 75% solution of orange peel, 25% Water
Treatment 3: 50% solution of orange peel, 50% Water
Treatment 4: 25% solution of orange peel, 75% Water
Control: No spraying is done
From the above data we can see that the clock to 0 after spraying on the peat moss has not changed.
Table 2. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by the four treatments and a control on the clock to 9
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 20
Treatment 2 16
Treatment 3 14.8
Treatment 4 15
Control 20
From the above data we can see that shortening occurred in treatment 2, 3, and 4. Shortening is at most 3 in the treatment of 75% solution of orange peel and 25% water. In treatment 2 and 3 also experienced a shortening but not by shortening the treatment 3. While on Treatment 1 and control have not found changes.

Table 3. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by the four treatments and a control on the clock to 18
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 20
Treatment 2 13
Treatment 3 11.3
Treatment 4 10.5
Control 20

From the above data we can see that treatment 2, 3, and 4 have been shortening. Greatest shortening found in treatment 4 (100% solution), and followed by treatment with 3 (75% solution, 25% water), and treatment 2 (50% solution, 50% water). While on treatment 1 and control has not changed. In the treatment 4 peat moss digest fairly quickly. Observations made at the 18th Hour on Rice with Treatment 1 is still not seen any shortening but at the 27 it now appears the shortening.

Table 4. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by the four treatments and a control on the clock to 27
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 18.8
Treatment 2 10.3
Treatment 3 8.9
Treatment 4 8.2
Control 20.7
From the DTA above we can see in all treatments and the control has changed. In treatment 1, 2, 3, and 4, have been shortening.Just like 18 hours to digest most are still dominated by the 4th treatment (100% solution). While on treatment 2, and 3 also have added shortening. Can we see also in treatment 1 (25% solution, 75% water) have already started to digest. At precisely control in extended peat moss.

Table 5. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by the four treatments and a control on the clock to 36
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 16
Treatment 2 8.6
Treatment 3 6.2
Treatment 4 5.5
Control 21.1
From ddata above we can see that the treatment of 1.2, 3, and 4 in 36 hours has undergone considerable shortening of the initial spraying. At 36, this treatment 4 (100% solution) still dominate in the shortening of peat moss. And control the length and still growing quite rapidly counted.

Table 6. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by the four treatments and a control on the clock to 45
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 15.5
Treatment 2 6.8
Treatment 3 4.3
Treatment 4 3
Control 21.6
From the above data we can see that from all the treatments have undergone shortening, except Control. Shortening at the 45th is still dominated by the Treatment 4.

Table 7. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by the four treatments and a control on the clock to 54
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 15.6
Treatment 2 3.4
Treatment 3 2
Treatment 4 0
Control 22
From the above data we can see that that in treatment 1 (25% solution, 75% water) peat moss has been extended again. In treatment 2 and 3 are still experiencing shortening. In the treatment 4 (100% solution) are sprayed with the treatment of lichen have been lost or depleted. While in the long control teru moss to grow.
Table 8. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by 4 Treatment And 1 Hours Goto Control at 63
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 15.8
Treatment 2 1.9
Treatment 3 0
Treatment 4 0
Control 22.5
From the above data we can see that in treatment 3 (75% solution, 25% water) is sprayed with treated moss was gone. In treatment 2 (50% solution, 50% water) has occurred shortening and almost gone. In treatment 1 (25% solution, 75% water) long peat moss continues to increase. Similarly, in control.

Table 9. Development of Long Moss Peat At Rice is Influenced by 4 Treatment And 1 Hours Goto Control at 72
Average length of treatment Peat Moss
(Cm / moss per plant)
Treatment 1 16
Treatment 2 0
Treatment 3 0
Treatment 4 0
Control 22.9
From the above data we can see that from treatment 2, and 4 whole lumutnya has been lost, and in treatment 3 and 4 do not grow back. In treatment 1 and control moss continues to grow and multiply.

C. The effectiveness of Siam Pontianak Orange Skin For Drug Moss on Rice
Average length of treatment Peat Moss On The Clock
(Cm / moss per plant)
0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72
Treatment 1 20 20 20 18.8 16 15.5 15.6 15.8 16
Treatment 2 20 16 13 10.3 8.6 6.8 3.4 1.9 0
Treatment 3 20 14.8 11.3 8.9 6.2 4.3 2 0 0
Treatment 4 20 15 10.5 8.2 5.5 3 0 0 0
Control 20 20 20 20.7 21.1 21.6 22 22.5 22.9

From the table above dpat we see that the hours to 9 treatments 2, 3, and 4 have shown the effects of orange peel conjoined with increased short-term pontianak Peat Moss. And at this hour to the ninth largest shortening dominated by 3 treatment. while not showing a change in control.
In the hours to 18 in treatment 2, 3, and 4 have been experiencing shortening which is currently dominated by ever shortening treatment to four (100% solution). Treatment 1 (25% solution, 75% water) have not shown a change. Similarly, in control.
At the 27, 36, and 45 treatments 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been shortening. Greatest shortening is dominated by the treatment 4.sedangkam has undergone a change in control is an extension of peat moss.
At the 54th treatment 1 (25% solution, 75% water) actually increased the length of it is not deemed effective. In treatment 2 (50% solution, 50% water) still continued to digest. Similarly, in treatment 3 (75% solution, 25% water) are still steadily shortening near exhausted. In the treatment 4 (100% solution) are sprayed with peat moss treatment has been exhausted or lost. It is very effective in value. In the control peat moss continues to experience renewal.
In treatment 1 hour to 63 continue to have an extension while perakuan 2 continues to shorten up close. In the treatment of three moss sprayed by the treatment have been exhausted or lost. It is considered quite effective. In the treatment 4 peat moss which was originally missing from growing back. While in the control peat moss continues to grow longer.
At 72 hours into the moss on the treatment of a still growing longer, so in control. While the moss on treatment 2, 3, and 4 have been lost and not tumbh back.

A. Knot
From the research that has been done gained some conclusions as follows:
1. Orange Skin Conjoined pontianak moss can be used as repellent as it contains d-limonene which effectively eradicate bacteria, mold and viruses.
2. Rice sprayed with 4 treatment with a dose of 100% solution Siamese Pontianak orange peel has a rate of extermination of the fastest kumut peat so judged most effective.
B. Suggestion
1. Should be done more research on keefektifitas on other types of orange peel.
2. The government should conduct socialization tengtang impact of peat moss in the fields on farmers

REFERENCES ~ ahmad/tugasan/s2_99/a72841.htm


This study aims to first, determine the effect of orange peel as a disinfectant Siamese pontianak peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On rice plants. Second, knowing how to use orange peel to eradicate siam pontianak peat moss (sphagnum sp.) On rice plants.
The research method used was: the first interview (interview), namely to do with questions and answers to several informants who have been determined. Both studies Pustaka (libraly research), namely by making the library as a review or reference in analyzing the problem in this study.
The third observation, namely by directly observing the location of the study, in this paddy field locations where peat moss (sphagnum sp.) Grows. The four experiments, ie by doing experiments in this study, in this experiment was carried out on an orange peel.
Of research has been done can be concluded that first, the skin of conjoined Pontianak oranges can be used as a moss eradicator because it contains d-limonene which effectively eradicate the bacteria, mold and viruses. Second, the rice is sprayed with a treatment of 4 with a dose of 100% solution Siamese Pontianak orange peel has a rate of extermination of the fastest kumut peat thus considered the most effective.

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